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Free Resources in North Dakota

Community Resources & Nonprofits
2 resources
North Dakota 211
North Dakota residents who call 211 are connected to both crisis counseling and social support services, depending on their needs. 211 can connect callers to services such as senior services, housing, food, clothing, education and employment support, transportation, mental health and substance use care, and more. Find everything you need in one place when you call 211.
Recovery Talk
Recovery Talk is available 24/7 to North Dakota residents in substance use recovery looking for free and confidential support from peer support specialists. Any time you need compassionate advice, connections to resources, or other recovery support, call Recovery Talk.
Harm Reduction & Opioid Resources
2 resources
Syringe Service Programs
This North Dakota HHS website lists all of the syringe service programs (SSPs) in the state. SSPs provide sterile syringes and sharp disposal, HIV/STI/Hep C testing, naloxone (Narcan) kits and overdose prevention training, fentanyl test strips, safer sex supplies, and referrals to other services such as housing or substance use treatment for those who are interested.
NEXT Distro North Dakota
NEXT Distro for North Dakota can provide naloxone (Narcan) kits by mail for state residents who don’t have a place to get it nearby. They also provide overdose prevention education and a link to substance use and mental health treatment centers in North Dakota.
Government Programs
2 resources
North Dakota Behavioral Health -- Addiction Resources
The North Dakota Behavioral Health: Addiction Resources website is a hub for a wide variety of recovery resources. Discover peer support programs, services for the justice-involved, opioid resources including naloxone (Narcan) kits, community-based behavioral health services, and recovery housing. The state also has a service finder tool on this page to make it easier to find the care you need.
Community Connect
Community Connect serves North Dakota residents with a mental health or substance use disorder diagnosis that impacts their daily lives. The organization provides care coordination, peer support, and recovery services, including housing, employment services, parenting and caregiver support, and more. To access the program, you’ll need to apply on this website.
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