Free Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Mccamey, TX

Find an accredited treatment center in Mccamey. There are currently 9 drug & alcohol detox, outpatient, and inpatient rehabs in Mccamey, many of which offer low cost treatment options like sliding scale payment and financial aid. Find rehabs that accept Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE to find the right addiction treatment program for you.

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PermiaCare Turning Point

2000 Maurice Road
Odessa, TX 79763

PermiaCare Turning Point is an alcohol and drug rehab center in Odessa, Texas, that offers residential addiction treatment to adults aged 18 and over. They are one of ... more details

DetoxInpatientDual DiagnosisAftercare+2FreeMedicaidMedicareFinancial AidFinancial AidTricarePrivatePayment+6

Clover House Mens Adult Residential

300 North Jackson
Odessa, TX 79761

Located in Odessa, Texas, Clover House is a drug and alcohol rehab for men and women over the age of 18. Offering residential inpatient addiction treatment, outpatient ... more details

InpatientDual DiagnosisAftercareSober Living+2PrivatePayment

Clover House Mens Adult TC Intensive Residential Relapse

823 Idlewood Lane
Odessa, TX 79761

Clover House has been open since 1969. They currently have multiple locations in Odessa, Texas. They provide residential and outpatient substance abuse programs for ... more details


West Texas Counseling and Rehab Odessa

515 North Golder Avenue
Odessa, TX 79761

West Texas Counseling and Rehabilitation program has many locations across Western Texas. You can get medication assisted treatment for opioid addiction out of any of ... more details


Clover House Outpatient Services Odessa

3603 Andrews Highway
Odessa, TX 79762

Clover House Outpatient Services is an alcohol in drug rehab center in Odessa, Texas, that provides addiction treatment services to men and women seeking recovery on ... more details


Teen Challenge Adult Centers of Texas

6901 South County Road 1200
Midland, TX 79706

The Teen Challenge Adult Centers of Texas in Midland is a residential addiction treatment program for adult men and women. Teen Challenge is a faith based program that ... more details

InpatientDual DiagnosisPayment

Oceans Behavioral Hospital Permian Basin

3300 South FM 1788
Midland, TX 79706

Located in Midland, Texas, Oceans Behavioral Hospital Permian Basin is a medical facility that provides a range of services to adults who are struggling with medical ... more details

InpatientDual DiagnosisMedicarePrivatePayment+1


401 East Illinois Avenue Suite 403
Midland, TX 79701

PermiaCare is an alcohol and drug rehab center that offers addiction treatment to men and women seeking recovery in Midland, Texas. Their levels of care include ... more details

OutpatientDual DiagnosisAftercare+1MedicaidMedicareFinancial AidFinancial AidTricarePrivatePayment+5

The Springboard Center

200 Corporate Drive
Midland, TX 79705

The Springboard Center is a CARF-approved drug and alcohol rehab center in Midland, Texas. They offer detox, inpatient and intensive outpatient levels of care for ... more details

DetoxInpatientOutpatientAftercareSober Living+3PrivatePayment

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Free Addiction Treatment Resources in Texas

Community Resources & Nonprofits

24 resources

Cenikor Youth Recovery Community (YRC)

The Cenikor Youth Recovery Community (YRC) serves youth and young adults from ages 13 to 21 in San Marcos and helps them practice teamwork, leadership, and social skills. YRC is a free program with support groups, recreational activities, volunteer opportunities, and help with education and/or employment.

The Council on Recovery

The Council on Recovery, in Houston, offers not only substance use treatment but a variety of recovery resources as well. They offer school-based programs, peer recovery support, intervention and outreach to parents with young children, older adult services, prevention for workplaces, and connections to other community resources.

Austin Recovery

Austin Recovery has a peer support group for youth and young adults ages 13-21 as well as a recovery high school called University High School. The peer support group includes retreats and fun sober events on weekends, while the high school supports teens committed to staying sober with high-quality education, 12-step recovery programs, and wrap-around emotional support services. If you have an Austin teen working on recovery, consider contacting Austin Recovery.

The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center

The Bridge Homeless Recovery Center is a 24/7 center in Dallas County. As a day shelter for adults, they provide showers, meals, haircuts, physical and mental health evaluations, case management, and help people implement a Care and Housing plan to exit homelessness. For those needing a place to sleep and live, they also offer emergency shelter, transitional housing, and peer support services.

Montrose Center

The Montrose Center is a community support center for LGBTQ+ in Houston. They have multiple services, including help for violence victims, case management, counseling, youth programs, gender-affirming services, HIV assistance, housing help, senior services, and substance use recovery support. The Center provides a place where LGBTQ+ individuals can feel safe and get the care they need.

Spindletop Center

For those looking for peer support in Beaumont, The Hope Center from Spindletop has resources that can help. They offer activities like peer support meetings, arts and crafts, lunches, and goal-setting workshops. They also provide veteran peer support, which includes military-to-civilian transition counseling, VA benefits assistance, counseling, education and job training, housing services, and referrals to other resources.

Homeward Bound Inc

Homeward Bound is a non profit behavioral health agency with multiple campuses across 25 counties in North and West Texas. The organization serves all clients regardless of ability to pay and provides medical detox and inpatient and outpatient treatment to adult men and women. They are LBGQT sensitive and offer dual diagnosis care for those with co occurring mental health diagnoses.

Adults & Teen Challenge of Texas

Teen Challenge is a Christ-centered substance use disorder program offering residential treatment to adolescents, adults, and women with children. The programs for teen girls and teen boys are boarding schools. Adults get group and individual counseling along with life skills classes, recreational activities, and vocational rehab.

Recovery Resource Council

Recovery Resource Council is a non-profit mental and behavioral health provider in North Texas. They provide substance use screening along with mental health and addiction treatment for lower income and uninsured or under insured individuals. They support veterans, adults with co occurring mental health and addiction disorders, and at risk youth.

TCU Substance Use & Recovery Services

Texas Christian University provides free substance use and recovery services to students. This resource page includes links to the Substance Use and Recovery Office, the TCU Recovery Community, and the Counseling and Mental Health Center. Students can find resources for treatment and counseling, support meetings, and substance free university events and tailgates.

Aggie Recovery Community

Texas A&M’s Aggie Recovery Center provides support for students in recovery or seeking help. They create a supportive substance free environment through the Drop In Center, peer process groups, recovery meetings, recovery coaching, and sober events. They also offer referrals to additional resources both on and off campus.

University of Texas Counseling and Mental Health Center

University of Texas has extensive health and wellness services available to students through the Counseling and Mental Health Center. You can get assessments, peer support, and referrals to additional treatment options. They also have a 24/7 virtual mental health platform called TimelyCare and a variety of support groups that address specific concerns, including substance use.

Texas Tech Center for Students in Addiction Recovery

Texas Tech University Center for Students in Addiction Recovery offers a community of support to those in recovery to foster academic success. The program offers a physical space to socialize and study as well as recovery housing, monthly lunches, student trips, and sober tailgates. They also have scholarships for those in recovery which often provides a second chance to succeed academically and professionally.

Collegiate Recovery Directory from the Association of Recovery in Higher Education (ARHE)

The Association of Recovery in Higher Education is a membership organization that collaborates to provide support resources for students in recovery. The Collegiate Recovery Directory helps students from all over Texas and the U.S. find information about recovery programs at their schools, including contact information. They also have information about recovery programs at schools in Canada and the UK.

LGBTQIA+ Resources

DFW Gay Live is an online source for LGBTQ+ events in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex area. The website also includes other relevant resources for the community, including helplines, health services, and information about finding LGBTQ+ friendly addiction treatment centers. There are also blogs and articles addressing mental illness and substance abuse, as well as grant information for treatment assistance.

Support and Crisis Hotlines

Equality Texas offers information about a variety of helplines for the LGBTQ+ community. This includes the Trevor Project, the LGBT National Youth Hotline, True Colors for homeless youth, a Crisis Text Line, and the Trans Lifeline. If you need support, there are caring people ready to listen and offer the resources you need.

Partnership to End Addiction: LGBTQ+, Family, and Substance Use

The Partnership to End Addiction has a resource page about LGBTQ+ individuals, family relationships, and substance use. The page is aimed at parents of LGBTQ+ folks and provides information about how to affirm your loved one, protect them from discrimination, and get them treatment if they need help with substance use.

Mental Health Resources–LGBTQ+ Community

The Grant Halliburton Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides mental health resources for youth in Texas. This resource page focuses on LGBTQ+ youth, as they are often a higher risk of mental health struggles. The page lists a variety of helplines, chat spaces, and guides for LGBTQ+ youth mental health concerns.

Texas Center for Justice and Equity

The Texas Center for Justice & Equity advocates at the state capitol and in Texas cities to transform the criminal justice system. They target the systemic injustice in the criminal justice system based on race and sexual orientation. They have specific legislative suggestions that they feel would move criminal justice in the right direction.

Texas Veterans Network

The Texas Veterans Network is an interconnected network of over 300 veteran-focused organizations providing over 1000 resources. To connect to the resources you create an account on the Combined Arms website and they will provide you with the information you need and contact details for specific organizations.

211 Texas

Texas residents can call 211 to access an extensive network of resources such as housing/shelter, employment assistance, food/nutrition, veterans services, crisis/emergency and disaster services, financial resources, legal aid, medical care, mental health and substance use treatment, and more.

Family Program for Native American Families

Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation offers free nationwide support to Native American and Alaskan Native families who are affected by addiction in Texas and across the country. The program is a virtual care program and includes Native American cultural and spiritual principles. The facilitators are Native Americans and credentialed family professionals. Topics include how addiction affects the family, how to communicate and set boundaries, and how to recover as a family.

We R Native Youth Support Resources

We R Native offers a variety of resources supporting Native American youth. You can get affirming messages by texting CARING or COLLEGE to 65664. They also have information about suicide and crisis lines, teen lines, and support for sexual identity and sexual health. They also have hotlines listed for abuse and sexual assault, internet safety, drugs and alcohol use, and more.

988 Suicide and Crisis Hotline

The 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline is a National Suicide Prevention service. This online resource focuses on the Native American, Indian, Indigenous, and Alaska Native populations. They have tips on how to build a support network, stay safe, and find activities you enjoy. There are also links to Native focused organizations such as We R Native, One Sky Center, StrongHearts Native Helpline, and more.

Harm Reduction & Opioid Resources

6 resources

Texas Harm Reduction Alliance

The Texas Harm Reduction Alliance in Austin has a drop-in center and mobile units that provide naloxone (Narcan) kits, overdose prevention training, safer use supplies, and peer support. They also have partners that offer food, medical care, HIV testing, and help navigating housing services and other social support. Harm reduction is challenging in Texas, but Austin has proven to be a safe environment for these services.

NEXT Distro

NEXT Distro can arrange for naloxone (Narcan) kits to be mailed to you more quickly than Texas’s If you need naloxone supplies and related resources, reach out to NEXT Distro for more information!

Austin Harm Reduction Coalition

The Austin Harm Reduction Coalition is now part of Vivent Health’s Lifepoint program. This organization provides harm reduction support and services. The mobile clinic van operates a few days a week in the Austin Texas area and provides syringe exchange, Narcan access and training, fentanyl test strips, and referrals to HIV/Hep C testing and addiction treatment.

Corazon San Antonio

Corazon provides social services throughout the San Antonio area. There is a day center serving warm meals, showers, and case management. They also have a harm reduction center & mobile outreach, sober housing for women, and a Sunday morning program that provides breakfast, showers, clothes, haircuts, and art therapy in downtown San Antonio.

Texas Targeted Opioid Response

The Texas Targeted Opioid Response provides grants to people with opioid disorder and those with co occurring mental health and addiction concerns. The money helps increase access to treatment, including medication assisted treatment. You can get services at an Outreach, Screening Assessment, and Referal (OSAR) program in your community.

TMA Opioid Crisis Resource Center

The Texas Medical Association provides educational resources and legislative advocacy to combat the opioid crisis. You can access the TMA Knowledge Center and TMA’s legislative recommendations as well as educational information on medication assisted treatment. Providers can learn about Texas’ Prescription Monitoring Program as well.

Government Programs

6 resources

Texas Outreach, Screening, Assessment, Referral (OSAR) Finder Map

Texans who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness can find housing assistance through Outreach, Screening, Assessment, Referral (OSAR) programs. This state website provides an OSAR finder so that no matter what region of Texas you’re in, you can find the help you need. The website also has a link to an interactive substance use treatment finder tool.

Medicaid and CHIP–Texas Health and Human Services

Texas Medicaid and CHIP help provide health coverage for lower income individuals, families, and children. This resource page provides information about programs and services, benefits including getting a ride to appointments, and more. The sidebar also has information about the maternal opioid misuse (MOM) program and the required parity between mental health and addiction treatment and medical treatment.

Adult Substance Use Services

The Adult Substance Use Services page from Texas Health and Human Services provides information about different types of substance use treatment and how to find them. You can look for state-funded programs and your local OSAR provider (outreach, screening, assessment and referral), and you can find your local mental and behavioral health authorities. The sidebar has additional information about specific types of treatment including co occurring disorders and medication assisted treatment.

Be Well Texas

The Be Well Texas program offers housing vouchers for young adults to access recovery housing. Sponsored by a grant from Texas HHS, the program provides housing to over 400 young adults with substance use disorder in Dallas, Austin, Houston, Lubbock and Midland as well as San Antonio. Provider clinics and educational resources are also available through this program providing families and participants with ongoing support.

Texas Veterans Commission Mental Health Programs for Veterans

The Texas Veterans Commission partners with Texas HHS to administer mental health programs for veterans. These include peer services and the TexVet program, which offers a crisis line, help with property tax exemptions, and mental health resources. TexVet also provides access to basic needs like food, housing, and clothing.

VA Medical Clinics Substance Use Treatment Locations

The VA Medical Center offers substance use disorder treatment at clinics throughout Texas. Services range from medical detox to inpatient and residential care to a variety of outpatient options. This website offers contact information for each clinic so you can reach out to the program that best matches your needs.
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