Free Alcohol and Drug Rehab Centers in Mentor, OH

Find an accredited treatment center in Mentor. There are currently 15 drug & alcohol detox, outpatient, and inpatient rehabs in Mentor, many of which offer low cost treatment options like sliding scale payment and financial aid. Find rehabs that accept Medicare, Medicaid, and TRICARE to find the right addiction treatment program for you.

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Crossroads Health Mentor

8445 Munson Road
Mentor, OH 44060

Crossroads Health is a nonprofit substance abuse and mental health treatment program with co-occuring disorder care in Mentor, Ohio. They have programs for adolescents ... more details

OutpatientDual DiagnosisAftercareIntervention+2MedicaidMedicareFinancial AidTricarePrivatePayment+4

New Season Mentor Treatment Center

8785 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, OH 44060


Crossroads Health Mentor Avenue

9920 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, OH 44060

Crossroads Health Mentor Avenue is an integrated healthcare center in Mentor, Ohio. They offer accessible substance use recovery, mental health support, and primary ... more details

OutpatientDual DiagnosisMedicaidMedicareFinancial AidPrivatePayment+3

Charak Center For Health and Wellness

8532 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, OH 44060

Charak Center for Health and Wellness, located at Mentor Avenue in Ohio, offers specialized outpatient services for individuals facing addiction and substance use ... more details

DetoxOutpatientDual Diagnosis+1MedicaidMedicareFinancial AidTricarePrivatePayment+4

New Season Mentor Treatment Center

8785 Mentor Avenue
Mentor, OH 44060


Crossroads Health Mentor

8445 Munson Road
Mentor, OH 44060

Crossroads Health is a nonprofit substance abuse and mental health treatment program with co-occuring disorder care in Mentor, Ohio. They have programs for adolescents ... more details

OutpatientDual DiagnosisAftercareIntervention+2MedicaidMedicareFinancial AidTricarePrivatePayment+4

Signature Health Painesville

54 S State St.
Painesville, OH, 44077

Signature Health Painesville offers dual mental health and addiction recovery services in Painesville, Ohio. They provide in person and telemedicine appointments for ... more details

DetoxOutpatientDual DiagnosisAftercare+2MedicaidMedicareFinancial AidTricarePrivatePayment+4

Praxis By Landmark Recovery

19350 Euclid Avenue
Euclid, OH 44117

Praxis By Landmark Recovery is located in Euclid, Ohio. This organization provides care to adults and veterans who have a substance use disorder. The levels of care ... more details


New Directions

30800 Chagrin Boulevard
Cleveland, OH 44124

Residential and part time substance use disorder treatment for adolescents is available at New Directions in Cleveland, Ohio. Their residential treatment is gender ... more details

InpatientOutpatientDual DiagnosisAftercareIntervention+3MedicaidFinancial AidFinancial AidPrivatePayment+3

CenterPoint Project Treatment Center

11100 Saint Clair Avenue
Cleveland, OH 44108

CenterPoint Project is an addiction rehab program for adults. It runs out of the J. Glen Smith Health Center in Cleveland, Ohio. They provide assessments, outpatient ... more details

OutpatientMedicaidFinancial AidFinancial AidPayment+2

Signature Health Beachwood

24200 Chagrin Boulevard
Beachwood, OH 44122

Signature Health in Beachwood, Ohio, provides substance abuse and mental health treatment. They have both in-person and telemedicine appointments when possible. Your ... more details

OutpatientDual DiagnosisAftercare+1MedicaidMedicareFinancial AidPrivatePayment+3

Highland Springs Highland Hills

4199 Mill Pond Drive
Highland Hills, OH 44122

Highland Springs Highland Hills in Highland Hills, Ohio, provides various services to adults who are struggling with behavioral health issues. They also have dedicated ... more details


Hitchcock Center for Women

1227 Ansel Road
Cleveland, OH 44108

If you’re looking for a residential addiction treatment center for women in Cleveland, Ohio, you’ll find the Hitchcock Center for Women near the India and ... more details

InpatientOutpatientSober Living+1MedicaidFinancial AidPrivatePayment+2

​New Visions Unlimited

4002 Warrensville Center Road
Warrensville Heights, OH 44122

New Visions Unlimited offers online mental health and addiction treatment. Their office is based in Warrensville Heights, Ohio. They run a general, intensive ... more details

DetoxOutpatientDual DiagnosisAftercare+2FreeMedicaidMedicareFinancial AidPrivatePayment+4

The Ed Keating Center East 93rd

East 93rd Street
Cleveland, OH 44106

The Ed Keating Center Provides drug and alcohol recovery for men and women. This specific location provides residential housing for up to 100 men. They believe that ... more details

OutpatientAftercareSober Living+1Free

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Free Addiction Treatment Resources in Ohio

Community Resources & Nonprofits

16 resources

Integrated Services for Behavioral Health

Integrated Services for Behavioral Health has multiple locations across southeast Ohio. They provide a variety of services, including mental health and substance use treatment, peer support, recovery housing, and homelessness assistance. Some locations may also provide naloxone (Narcan) kits and overdose prevention training.

Ohio 211

Ohioans who call 211 are connected to a range of social services, including food, clothing, housing services, child and senior care, transportation assistance, education and employment support, and more. Don’t spend hours finding individual programs. Save time by calling 211 and getting everything you need in one place.

Ohio Careline

The Ohio Careline offers 24/7 emotional support for those who are in crisis or are struggling with problems in life. The behavioral health specialists who staff the line can give a listening ear, sound advice, and referrals to additional programs when appropriate. If you’re struggling and don’t know where to turn, call the Ohio Careline today.

Community Support Services

Community Support Services serves Summit County, particularly the Akron area. They provide a wide range of care, including primary and mental healthcare, case management, art therapy, counseling, peer support, and specialty services for veterans and seniors. They also offer employment support and housing services.


Harbor provides services in the Toledo area, with a strong emphasis on employment support and vocational training for adults, youth, and the justice involved. They also provide mental health and substance use treatment, case management, after-school youth programs, and a senior wellness program. Many services are available through telehealth as well as in person.

Talbert House

The Talbert House serves Ohioans in Hamilton County, with many services also available in surrounding Brown, Butler, Clinton, and Warren Counties. They offer substance use treatment, housing services, and mental health care. Talbert House also has community programs in Hamilton County such as welfare-to-work programs, community outreach and prevention, the Fatherhood Project, a youth employment program, and victim services.

The Centers

The Centers in the Cleveland area provides primary medical care, case management, victim services, substance use and behavioral health treatment, and harm reduction resources like a syringe exchange, HIV/Hep C testing, and a harm reduction kit vending machine. The Centers also offers family services such as food, utility assistance, job training, education support, transportation, child care, parental support, and a workforce development center for job readiness.


The Children’s Advocacy Project maintains a website ( designed to help parents find community resources to meet the needs of children and families. When it comes to alcohol and drug treatment and prevention, they provide a list of programs that includes crisis phone lines, Africentric camps, and services that support families involved in the justice system.

Ohio State University Collegiate Recovery Program

Ohio State University has a Collegiate Recovery Community (CRC) supported by the Student Wellness Center. The CRC is a supportive program that provides peer support, social events, a CRC Lounge, and community education. They also have open and closed recovery meetings. The CRC office is at 097 Baker Hall.

University of Cincinnai Peer Engagement Resources

(513) 556-0648
The University of Cincinnati offers a variety of peer support programs to help students with mental health and substance use concerns. The Bearcats Support Network helps with mental health by creating a supportive network with social events. There’s also a Bearcats Recovery Community and LGBTQ+ affinity groups.

Ohio University RISE Collegiate Recovery

Ohio University offers Recovery to Inspire, Share and Empower (R.I.S.E), which is a collegiate recovery program that provides support to students seeking to recover from alcohol and drug misuse, as well as to their friends. Their drop-in center provides a safe, sober environment for studying or socializing. You can visit Baker University Center 313 to study, attend recovery meetings, and meet new people.

Stonewall Columbus

(614) 299-7764
Stonewall Columbus’s purpose is to increase visibility, connection, and inclusion for the LGBTQ+ community. They sponsor events, offer emotional and financial support for LGBTQ+ community members in need, and provide referrals to counseling, suicide prevention and drug and alcohol recovery providers.

LGBT Community Center of Greater Cleveland

The Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Community Center of Greater Cleveland provides programs, events, education, and advocacy for the LGBTQ+ population and allies. They offer community forum discussions and support the Advocacy Through Art program, an exhibition that showcases LGBTQ+ artwork.

Colors+ Youth Center

The Colors+ Youth Center supports LGBTQ+ youth and allies by using a mind and body approach to wellness in personal and community environments. They offer advocacy, education, and celebratory events and programs. Many programs are in person but there are virtual programs as well.

VFW Department of Ohio

The Veterans of Foreign Wars supports and advocates for veterans. VFW posts, or meeting centers, host community events. The VFW Ohio website contains a wealth of resources for veterans who need help with substance use disorder. This includes a military helpline, veteran’s crisis line, and addiction rehab programs.

Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio (NAICCO)

The Native American Indian Center of Central Ohio (NAICCO) seeks to preserve and bring awareness to the traditions, culture, and lifestyle of Native Americans in Ohio by sponsoring events for the community. They also support the mental, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing of Native Americans living in Central Ohio through education and advocacy.

Harm Reduction & Opioid Resources

3 resources

Project DAWN

Project DAWN has a dashboard that allows Ohio residents to find specific harm reduction programs in their area. The interactive map makes it easy to find naloxone (Narcan) kits, fentanyl test strips, HIV/Hep C testing, and syringe programs throughout the state. Each location provides a phone number and a link to the organization’s website.

Harm Reduction Ohio

Harm Reduction Ohio advocates for harm reduction strategies and provides education and support services to reduce the negative impact of substance use. The website has links that allow you to order naloxone and has resources to find syringe service programs and determine where you can get PrEP for free or at a low cost.

ADAMHS Board of Cuyahoga County

The Alcohol, Drug Addiction & Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board helps plan, fund, and monitor public mental health and addiction treatment in Cuyahoga County. They contract with provider agencies to deliver services to clients with mental illness or addiction. A treatment referral hotline and a map of Cuyahoga County provider locations can be found on their website.

Government Programs

5 resources

Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio

For those experiencing or at risk of homelessness, the Coalition on Homelessness and Housing in Ohio provides an interactive map that shows coordinated entry programs throughout the state. Click on the one closest to you to find information about that program so you can reach out for the housing services you need.

Ohio VA Medical Centers

VA Medical Centers provide veterans with free medical and mental health services. They have substance abuse programs across the state that offer residential, intensive outpatient, and general outpatient care for addiction. They provide counseling, group therapy, and/or medication. VA Centers also have support for mental health and connect veterans to social services and more.

Ohio Department of Veterans Services

The Ohio Department of Veteran’s Services provides education and resources for veterans in Ohio, as well as advocacy and partnerships. This includes connections to job training and placement services, veteran’s benefits, and other resources that can help those who served thrive in civilian life.

Ohio Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services

The Department of Mental Health & Addiction Services help state residents connect to treatment for substance use disorders, mental illness, and problem gambling. The website also has information on a criminal justice addiction treatment program and the Ohio Child and Adolescent Behavioral Health Center along with many other programs.

Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Program (UMADOAP) of Cincinnati

UMADAOP of Cincinnati provides culturally appropriate and evidence based addiction and treatment services to African and Hispanic American communities. Prevention, intervention, and treatment for substance abuse, mental illness, and co-occurring disorders are offered. They integrate appropriate cultural elements to address the social, psychological, and spiritual aspects of life for Africans and Hispanic individuals.
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