Signature Health Painesville
54 S State St.
Painesville, OH, 44077
About Signature Health Painesville
Signature Health Painesville offers dual mental health and addiction recovery services in Painesville, Ohio. They provide in person and telemedicine appointments for both adults and children. To meet the needs of their patients, various counseling groups are offered.
Patients must complete a 90 minute diagnostic assessment to determine the necessary services they need for mental health or addiction recovery care. They offer walk-in DAs so people can get help right away. These appointments are normally booked in advance. Their counselors, psychiatrists and addiction medicine providers are skilled in treating patients with substance use disorders including alcohol and opioid use disorders through talk therapy and other methods. Medication management and family or group therapy are a few examples of this.
For those who are addicted to alcohol or opioids, they offer a MAT program. It supports people in beginning and maintaining their recovery through the use of a medication regimen combined with mental health and support services. Their intensive outpatient program is designed with scheduled programming for patients who have been diagnosed with a substance use disorder. One might want to think about IOP if they are experiencing physical withdrawal, homelessness, drug obsession, or other related problems.
They have certified counselors with specific training to treat problem gambling disorders if you are having trouble with gambling. To aid patients in their recuperation, their certified peer support specialists offer insights from their personal experiences. This could be helping the patient solve problems, navigating the healthcare system, going to 12 step meetings with them, providing life skills coaching and so on. Case managers who assist patients in navigating daily life to guarantee that basic needs like food, housing and clothing are met, are an additional member of their care team.
Medicaid, traditional Medicare, and some Medicare advantage plans are accepted. A sliding fee scale program is available to eligible patients in case of no insurance.