Groups Recover Together
203 North State Street
North Vernon, IN 47265
About Groups Recover Together
Groups Recover Together in Vernon, Indiana, can help you with opioid dependency. You’ll get a combination of addiction medicine and therapy with a support group. They’ll work with you to figure out what your life goals are and how to work towards them.
Your group will be made up of ten people who are facing similar challenges to you. A counselor or doctor leads the meetings to give guidance and professional input. Being part of a group while you’re in recovery is great for support and encouragement to stay strong. Knowing what your life goals are can help you stay sober to get the life you want.
People who’ve been here talk about having their lives saved and changed. They describe the counselors as understanding and patient. Others are grateful for how quickly they got an appointment. They mention getting their medication quickly which helped them avoid relapse.
You can get help here if you’re on Medicaid, Medicare or other health insurers.