Interaction Youth Services and Restorative Justice
28 Vernon St
#210 PO Box 6008
Brattleboro, VT 05301
About Interaction Youth Services and Restorative Justice
Established in 1972, Interaction Youth Services and Restorative Justice is located in Battleboro, Vermont. They offer support, treatment and programs to adolescents, children, teenagers and young adults who are struggling with mental health conditions and/or substance use disorders.
Staff will complete a comprehensive assessment and develop a personalized treatment plan. The plan will aim to help your child identify goals and areas they can work on to develop healthier lifestyle choices.
The Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP) is available for youth between the ages of 16 to 21. This is designed for individuals who violated the state's underage laws against substance use or are at high risk for substance abuse. The program is designed to help participants heal, develop coping skills, receive education on the risks of substance abuse, and receive counseling services.
What sticks out to me the most is their alternative treatment program for youth who are involved with the criminal justice system. They offer a variety of programs like the Balanced Restorative Justice Program. This program is for ages 10 through 22 and encourages young people to develop life skills and accomplish goals. Their Youth Court Diversion was developed to reduce the risk of youth engaging in delinquency. Once youth have completed this program, within one to two years they can have their record expunged if they do not receive any new charges. If it’s their first offense, after completing the program their case can be dismissed.
While your child is receiving services here, there are plenty of opportunities to develop sober interests during their free time. Biking, fishing, or hiking at some of the nearby parks like Retreat Trails, West River Trail, or Retreat Forests can provide healthy diversions and encourage positive habits.