TASC of Northwest Ohio
3330 Glendale Ave
Toledo, OH 43614
About TASC of Northwest Ohio
TASC serves Toledo, Ohio, and its surrounding areas by providing substance abuse and support services to individuals involved in the criminal justice system. Acting as a bridge with a goal to reduce recidivism, they offer group counseling, treatment planning, and case management. They also offer crisis intervention and a transitional integration program. People who’ve received treatment and support say they experienced a reduction in interactions with the criminal justice system and freedom from the negative impacts of substance use disorder.
TASC reports that their clients also say they have more self confidence and increased life skills after treatment.
TASC uses a model that meets the requirements for all systems involved with an individual including treatment and the justice system. They’ll work directly with the court and corrections to ensure community based supervision and institutional aftercare. The first step is being evaluated in depth and you’ll be referred to the most appropriate treatment provider. You’ll be assigned a case manager who will manage your progress and provide continued support.
TASC provides person centered treatment planning that will be based on your strengths, abilities, and preferences. During group counseling you’ll explore mental health issues and substance abuse problems. Topics could focus on attitudes and feelings, alternative coping mechanisms, and decision making skills. Individual counseling sessions will allow you to address any issues that you may not feel comfortable bringing up in a group setting. You’ll be connected to any other social, educational, and medical resources you may need.
Once you find safe and stable housing, TASC will provide transitional integration services that include addiction treatment. They’ll also make sure you have support addressing needs or concerns that come up when you return to a community setting from a structured environment.
A former client said TASC is a really great place with friendly people.