Substance Abuse Center Of Kansas (SACK)
940 N Waco Ave
Wichita, KS 67203

About Substance Abuse Center Of Kansas (SACK)
If you need a sober support system in Wichita, Kansas you’ll find the Substance Abuse Center of Kansas - SACK close to the Little Arkansas River. They operate as the SACK CrossOver Recovery Center and offer peer to peer support.
What strikes me about this center is that the peer mentors recognize that different people need different things for recovery. Some might need church or 12 Step meetings. Others may need help with housing, employment, transport, legal issues or parenting. Peer mentors help by linking you to resources to help you create a sustainable sober lifestyle.
People comment on how helpful and non-judgemental the people who work there are. They describe SACK as an amazing facility that takes excellent care of the people who come to them for help.
You can pay for your assessment using cash, money orders or credit card. Free assessments are available for pregnant women, women with children, those with HIV, referrals from SRS and those within the SRS income range.
Addiction Treatment Programs
Alcohol rehab in Kansas helps individuals who are struggling with alcohol use disorder learn about recovery, its benefits, and how to achieve it. Treatment focuses on motivation to change, skills to accomplish change, and how to maintain long-term success with sobriety.Drug Rehab
No single drug rehab in Kansas is right for everyone. Length, intensity, setting, and treatment methods vary. These can be tailored to meet each person’s needs. With the right program, individuals can successfully end their drug dependency and achieve long-term recovery.Levels of Care
Detox & MAT
Drug rehab in Kansas typically begins with detox. This process can last up to a week. During that time, you’...ll receive 24/7 supervision and medical assistance to cleanse your body of all addictive substances.Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient rehab in Kansas involves participation in group, individual, and other types of therapy in a supervised setting. Treatment may also include medication management and holistic therapies. It requires living at the drug rehab for the duration of treatment.Outpatient Rehab
Kansas outpatient rehab often includes several types of therapy, such as group, individual, and family. You’...ll attend several sessions per week, learning new skills and how to live a sober lifestyle. This treatment will continue for weeks, months, or even years, depending on your ongoing recovery needs.Insurance
Private Insurance
If you have private insurance, you can use it to cover part of all of the costs of alcohol and drug rehab in K...ansas. Coverage amounts may vary depending on your policy, and you may be left with some costs like a co-payment, or co-insurance.
Self-Pay Options
Paying for alcohol or drug rehab in Kansas using self-pay options means you are responsible for covering the c...ost of treatment. Examples of private pay include paying in cash, using a credit card, or taking out a personal medical loan.Contact Substance Abuse Center Of Kansas (SACK)