Step One Recovery Housing
9636 North 11th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85021
About Step One Recovery Housing
Step One Recovery Housing offers sober living homes for men in Phoenix, Arizona. The residents find a safe, secure living environment that promotes sobriety and accountability.
You must have reliable income with employment or government benefits to enter Step One Recovery Housing. Guests are allowed to stay as long as needed. Residents attend 12-step meetings, like Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous and find a sponsor. All residents are expected to complete 90 days of meetings. They include a pantry with free snacks, but you are expected to buy and cook your meals.
The goal is to help those who are trying to transition into a sober lifestyle and need some structure and support. The program is appropriate for those who need financial relief while focusing on returning to communities and activities. The team understands that addiction is different for everyone and wants to help residents by encouraging responsibility, making amends and creating a network of support.
Since addiction can affect you physically, mentally and emotionally, they also provide access to mental health agencies, medical care and nutritional services.