Shalom House Ministries

349 Blake Dairy Road
Belton, SC 29627

Belton, South Carolina

About Shalom House Ministries

In a quiet corner of Belton, South Carolina, Shalom Recovery gives women a way to come back from drug and alcohol addiction. They offer three levels of care. Shalom Center is a residential treatment center. Shalom House is a safe and supportive halfway house that gives women a long-term environment for sustained recovery. Their Remnants location is a place where women can gain valuable work skills as they prepare to enter the workforce. Shalom Recovery is a Christian-based program that has been around since 1996.

Sustained Recovery close to Downtown Belton

Women recovering from addiction can live here up to one year as they transition to independent living in their communities. They can accommodate up to 11 women who have completed residential treatment.

It’s conveniently located within walking distance of downtown and on public transit routes. Shalom House has two stories, with each floor containing a bathroom, kitchen, a common room, and semi-private bedrooms. Women typically stay here for six months but yearly stays are also common. I like that women can choose to remain here as long as it’s beneficial for them. However, rent is due weekly.

Structured Accountability at Shalom House

What I like most about Shalom House is that women learn accountability to help them thrive independently. Each resident is assigned household chores three times a week. They cook their own meals and do their own laundry. They’re also required to partake in two AA/NA meetings per week and a Christian worship on Sundays.

It’s neat how their structure and rules help enforce a healthy lifestyle with a focus on recovery. Brand new residents spend business hours out of the house looking for a job. Most residents find early morning shift work and use public transit to get to and from work. There’s an evening curfew that everyone follows unless they’re working. Residents must postpone romantic relationships while living at Shalom House. Each week, there’s onsite Bible study, job training, and continuing education support.

Levels of Care


Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient drug rehab in South Carolina can last anywhere from a few weeks to more than 90 days, depending on t...he program. During that time, you will live at the rehab facility and receive treatment such as counseling, medication, and forms of holistic therapy.
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Contact Shalom House Ministries

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349 Blake Dairy Road
Belton, SC 29627

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