Preferred Care Counseling Mahoning

3292 Stones Throw Avenue
Poland, OH 44514

Poland, Ohio

About Preferred Care Counseling Mahoning

Preferred Care Counseling Mahoning provides substance addiction and mental health treatment in Poland, Ohio. They offer outpatient services and are committed to serving the community with various counseling techniques. Their focus is person centered so each guest gets the care needed for long term sobriety. If you prefer telehealth services they partner with Stones Throw Counseling and may refer you to that location. Preferred Care Counseling accepts private health insurance, credit cards, debit cards and checks.

Individual therapy provides one on one time with a professional who is experienced in addiction treatment. You can discuss anything hindering your recovery and may uncover the root causes of your addiction. The sessions can address developing healthy coping skills, recognizing substance use triggers and learning relapse prevention methods. Sessions will help you explore feelings and behaviors that may have led to addiction challenges. You can exchange negative actions for positive motivations that help maintain lifelong recovery efforts.

Couples and family therapy sessions can help loved ones and families understand how the disease of addiction plays a role in relationships and overall health. Families can work through issues caused by substance use and develop healthy boundaries conducive to sobriety.

They have psychoeducational groups that address the unique needs of each person. These services are structured and happen within a certain timeframe. Guests have a specific curriculum to follow, and the topics are targeted to help with recovery.

The goal of their counseling services is to empower you with the tools and resources needed for recovery so you can be a productive community member.

Levels of Care


Inpatient Rehab

For those who need intensive treatment, inpatient rehab in Ohio includes round-the-clock clinical care.and sup...ervision. At this level of care, programs generally involve multiple addiction counseling sessions per week, which may include individual, group, and family counseling.
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Contact Preferred Care Counseling Mahoning

Phone icon 330-757-3975
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3292 Stones Throw Avenue
Poland, OH 44514

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Fact checked and written by:
Patti Croft, MBA
Edited by:
Kerry Nenn, BSW

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