Pennyroyal Center Hammond Plaza

607 Hammond Plaza
Hopkinsville, KY 42240

Hopkinsville, Kentucky

About Pennyroyal Center Hammond Plaza

Pennyroyal Center Hammond Plaza belongs to a network of behavioral health centers and is located in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. It is part of the Pennyroyal Center network in the state. All of their centers treat alcohol and other substance abuse issues.

Individual and Court Appointed Care

I like that care is catered to the individual’s needs which can include individual and group therapy sessions as well as an intensive outpatient program (IOP). They even offer residential services if inpatient treatment is determined to be more effective for recovery.

DUI Programs for Alcohol Abuse

Another nice feature is that this facility is approved to provide court ordered services like DUI support and drug court. People who find themselves facing a DUI for alcohol abuse can participate in Pennyroyal Center’s DUI program. This activity is limited solely to people convicted of a DUI and includes group treatment services mainly designed for repeat offenders. Participants will also be enrolled in the Prime for Life educational group, while offenders under 21 can also participate in the Zero Tolerance treatment service.

Genesis Inpatient Facility

Their 16-bed facility is designed for substance abuse and behavioral health intensive treatment. This dual diagnosis program targets both substance use and underlying mental health causes. I found that individual length of stay will vary depending on the severity of your case.

Levels of Care


Outpatient Rehab

Kentucky outpatient rehab experts will assess your needs and create a treatment program tailored to your recov...ery. Treatment typically includes several hours of counseling each week as well as group therapy. You’ll probably also attend a support group such as NA or AA. Length of treatment varies based on your needs.
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Aftercare & Alumni Program

Ongoing recovery requires ongoing treatment in the form of Kentucky aftercare rehab Once you complete an init...ial treatment program, aftercare provides long-term support to keep you on the recovery path. 12-step groups, occasional counseling, and personal life coaching may continue for several months or a year.
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Contact Pennyroyal Center Hammond Plaza

Phone icon 270-886-0486
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607 Hammond Plaza
Hopkinsville, KY 42240

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