North Dayton Addiction Recovery Services
72 North Dixie Drive
Vandalia, OH 45377
About North Dayton Addiction Recovery Services
North Dayton Addiction and Recovery Services is located in Vandalia, Ohio. It's an outpatient clinic that provides drug and opioid addiction rehab services. Here, they offer medication assisted treatment using Suboxone, Sublocade and Vivitrol. You'll also get counseling to help you achieve long term recovery.
One thing I like about this clinic is its approach to treating alcohol use disorder. They follow the Sinclair Method which includes using medications, counseling and self help strategies to promote recovery.
You’ll take naltrexone to reframe your desire for alcohol. This medication blocks the benefits of alcohol so you’ll eventually want to drink less often and have fewer cravings. I like that they offer around the clock support for clients. They can also make referrals to mental health specialists if you need one.
Levels of Care
Outpatient Rehab
During outpatient rehab in Ohio, you’ll develop sober-living skills and learn how to live a sober lifestyle.... This happens through regular meetings with a recovery expert and involvement in a 12-step program. Your outpatient treatment can continue for as long as you need it, from weeks to years.Contact North Dayton Addiction Recovery Services