NEXUS Methamphetamine Treatment Center
110 Skyline Drive
Lewistown, MT 59457
About NEXUS Methamphetamine Treatment Center
Located just outside the small town of Lewiston, Montana, is the NEXUS Methamphetamine Treatment Center. This is a residential treatment and recovery facility that was established for offending males who are involved with, addicted to, or experiencing struggles with methamphetamine.
The facility opened its doors in the summer of 2007 through a joint partnership between the Community, Counseling, and Correctional Services, Inc. (CCCS) and the Montana Department of Corrections (MDOC).
The aim of this partnership was to create a residential recovery facility for men who are involved in the criminal justice system because of methamphetamine use or related charges.
Instead of serving out their sentence in a traditional correctional institution, qualifying men can be directed to the NEXUS methamphetamine Treatment Center where they and their family members will receive intentional and purposeful care.
The methamphetamine treatment centers clearly outline their objectives and standards with the men they serve in their 80-bed facility. You can read more about these objectives on their website.
In addition to proactively reducing recidivism rates among men who are struggling with substance use, the aim of this program is to empower men with essential recovery skills that will help them lead a productive life. This will help them break the cycle of reoffending because of their drug use dependencies.
This facility is well structured and utilizes an array of evidence based approaches to care including cognitive behavioral therapy. Therapy is weaved into traditional correctional programs and services.
Instead of just locking up individuals and throwing away the key, this facility is committed to helping men restore their sense of self, empowering them to build healthy habits to guide their lives when they do exit the program.
There are also specialized programs like anger management and critical thinking classes. You'll learn how to connect with others and improve your communication and social abilities. These are all skills that can help set you up for success when you do leave the program.