New Way Mississippi
916 Inge Street
Jackson, MS 39203
About New Way Mississippi
New Way Mississippi is located in Jackson, Mississippi. This is a nonprofit organization that works with formerly incarcerated individuals who are reintegrating back into society. They also serve children, adults, and families who need support for a range of services including addiction recovery.
Here you'll find services offered through an outpatient style program. Some of the services they offer include youth enrichment programs and prevention programs. There's also a dedicated family services division that can support the unique needs of your family. You’ll work with a care team that will help you build a path toward a successful future.
Their advanced recovery division is a comprehensive program that can help you if you’re experiencing addiction struggles. Some of the support you'll find here includes transitioning housing options. This allows you to reintegrate back into society with the support you need.
You'll work with a care team that consists of counselors who will help you develop critical life skills. These skills will focus on how to avoid habits and activities that may lead you back to drug use. It's through their support that you'll minimize your chance of relapse, helping you get a strong start for your sobriety.
I appreciate that they take a comprehensive approach to care. For example, you'll get connected to employment opportunities so that you can become a successful member of your community. There are also economic development opportunities you can tap into as well. This can include everything from access to healthcare, access to specialized treatment, and other supports.
They operate as a nonprofit and the services here are offered free of charge. If you are connected to other services, financing options may be available to assist you.