Multicultural Clinical Center

6563 Edsall Road
Springfield, VA 22151

Springfield, Virginia

About Multicultural Clinical Center

The Multicultural Clinical Center offers various home-based and outpatient services. They have two locations in Virginia, one of which is in Springfield. MCC is staffed by a diverse, multilingual team of experts. They offer a unique approach to treating clients which blends psychoeducation and counseling. The aim of this approach is to help clients build the sober skills they’ll need to live a life free of drugs and alcohol.

During their substance abuse program, you’ll learn how to address emotional and family issues as well as learn how to prevent relapse. Of course, you’ll also have psychological assessments and random drug and alcohol testing. Your family can attend an educational program to learn how to best support your recovery.

I like that they have trauma focused services including diagnostics and/or assessments as well as individual and group counseling. These are offered by certified trauma professionals. They also have special programs for adolescents that can be offered in their home.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Adult Program Alcoholism Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Opioid Treatment Senior Drug & Alcohol Rehab Teen & Adolescent Program

Adult Program

An adult program in Virginia is often the ideal solution for individuals struggling with substance use. Care is available at different intensity levels, based on individual situations, and a variety of treatment methods are used, to meet each person’s unique needs.


Alcohol rehab in Virginia is treatment that helps people overcome addiction. Men and women struggling with alcohol use disorder receive the support and therapies they need to address substance use issues and move forward in recovery.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

In an addiction treatment setting, cognitive behavioral therapy in Virginia is helpful because it targets triggers and helps individuals develop healthy coping skills. It focuses on changing thoughts and related behaviors. This is ideal for relapse prevention.

Opioid Treatment

During opioid rehab in Virginia, a team of professionals will work with you to create a recovery plan. This plan will include evidence-based therapies and other methods that address your unique needs and help you begin your journey toward recovery.

Senior Drug & Alcohol Rehab

Staff at an elderly rehab in Virginia are trained to provide addiction treatment for seniors. They are familiar with age-related disorders such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease as well as common challenges of aging, such as depression due to isolation.

Teen & Adolescent Program

When individuals choose a young adult program in Virginia, they have the opportunity to participate in a supportive and safe program specifically designed for people in their teens and twenties. Treatment helps them make choices during this stage of life that lead to healthy, long-term recovery.

Levels of Care


Outpatient Rehab

Virginia outpatient rehab typically requires a few hours of treatment per week. You’ll be asked to attend gr...oup meetings such as NA or AA as well as one-on-one sessions with a recovery expert. This treatment may last for a few weeks or many months, depending on your needs.
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Dual Diagnosis & Mental Health

Substance abuse and mental illness often go hand in hand. When they co-occur, it is crucial to treat both diso...rders. A Virginia dual diagnosis treatment center offers the integrated approach necessary to address all issues involved.
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self-pay icon Self-Pay Options

You can pay for alcohol and drug rehab in Virginia out-of-pocket, known as self-pay or private pay. Self-pay g...ives you access to all levels of care — including detox in Virginia, and inpatient rehab in Virginia — without the restrictions of private insurers who can control how long you access and more, are accessible through self-pay options.
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Contact Multicultural Clinical Center

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6563 Edsall Road
Springfield, VA 22151

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Fact checked and written by:
Mari Mendoza, BS
Edited by:
Peter Lee, PhD

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