Liberty Resources Maxwell House
239 Broad Street
Oneida, NY 13421
About Liberty Resources Maxwell House
Maxwell House is a substance use recovery residence for men operated by Liberty Resources in suburban Oneida, New York. It’s in a nondescript historic residence in a quiet neighborhood. The staff provides you with group and individual counseling along with support services to help you achieve your service plan goals. They’ve been around since 1991.
I think one of the best features of this facility is the daily living skills education they provide you. You’ll get coaching on developing your coping and relapse prevention skills and public health education. You’ll receive help improving your social skills, self esteem and responsibility. These improvements can better help you build a support system and be less inclined to use substances. Clients also get support with their personal hygiene skills and guidance on how to maintain a clean living environment.
You can receive individual counseling on a weekly basis and participate in self help meetings such as Refuge Recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous. Your counselor can help make sure you’re on track with meeting your service plan goals. Throughout the week, you’ll participate in vocational, life skills and recovery groups. I like that they also provide clients with regular sober social events and outings.
Another thing that stands out to me about this facility is the various case management services that are provided. The staff at Maxwell House can link you to mental health treatment programs and assist you with accessing social services.
They provide support with medication management and transportation for appointments, events and other needs you may have. Oneida is just a little over a half hour outside of Syracuse, where you can enjoy various museums or visit the Rosamond Gifford Zoo. You’re also not far from relaxing nature scenery like Oneida Lake.