Harmony House

4615 South Locust Grove Road
Meridian, ID 83642

Meridian, Idaho

About Harmony House

Located in Nampa, Idaho, Harmony House provides alcohol and drug rehab services to adolescents. Their program is offered through a residential treatment center. Individuals with dual diagnosis are treated for mental health conditions and addiction challenges simultaneously.

Harmony House focuses on helping clients achieve total abstinence from mind-altering drugs. They offer education, individual therapy, group therapy, and coping skills classes. Clients focus on alleviating symptoms, working through emotions, developing interpersonal skills, alleviating economic stress, and rebuilding the capacity for psychosocial integration. Harmony House aids clients in replacing self-destructive behaviors with increased self-respect and new coping strategies. By providing age-specific treatment, staff are able to focus on common challenges experienced in teenage years. They also offer Alateen groups, community services opportunities, and family-involvement programming.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Alcoholism Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Men's Rehab Opioid Treatment Women's Rehab Teen & Adolescent Program


Alcohol rehab in Idaho typically includes medical detox, psychotherapy, and medication. Programs can be short or long-term, but longer treatment typically provides better outcomes.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Cognitive behavioral therapy in Idaho helps individuals overcome addiction by giving them self-help tools to improve their moods, teaching them communication skills, and helping them release insecurities that lead to substance use.

Men's Rehab

During men’s rehab in Idaho, all treatment sessions are conducted with same-gender individuals. This encourages greater participation and openness among the men. Therapies typically include both individual and group sessions.

Opioid Treatment

Those who are struggling with opioid use disorder can find help to recover by entering an opioid rehab in Idaho. Treatment programs offer detox, inpatient and outpatient rehab, counseling, family therapy, and medication assisted treatment.

Women's Rehab

Women need different types of treatment approaches for addiction than men. Women’s rehab in Idaho offers gender-specific treatment, so women can achieve successful recovery.

Teen & Adolescent Program

A young adult program in Idaho helps individuals develop healthy coping skills. Treatment addresses the challenges faced at this stage of life and gives participants the recovery tools they need to navigate through it successfully.

Levels of Care


Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab in Idaho iis the most intensive treatment setting, Clients reside at the treatment facility an...d engage in various therapeutic sessions throughout the day, including recovery-focused life skills training. Many programs also offer evidence-based complementary therapies, such as meditation management.
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Dual Diagnosis & Mental Health

If a mental health disorder such as anxiety or depression is co-occurring with substance abuse, you are more l...ikely to relapse or self-medicate. Idaho dual diagnosis treatment provides the resources you need to treat both conditions and improve recovery outcomes.
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private-insurance icon Private Insurance

If you have private insurance, you can likely use it to help pay for alcohol and drug rehab in Idaho. The amou...nt of coverage will depend on your policy and whether or not you choose a rehab that’s in-network, but you may be asked to pay costs like a co-payment, or co-insurance. Be sure to check with your insurer for more information.
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self-pay icon Self-Pay Options

Self-pay or private payment options for drug rehab in Idaho include methods like paying out-of-pocket, using a... credit card, or taking out a personal or medical loan. The fee structures tend to differ from one level of care to the next.
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Contact Harmony House

Phone icon 208-288-1079
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4615 South Locust Grove Road
Meridian, ID 83642

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Fact checked and written by:
Lesley Wirth, MA, CCAR
Edited by:
Kerry Nenn, BSW

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