GESMV Main Street Recovery Center
660 South Main Street
Dayton, OH 45402
About GESMV Main Street Recovery Center
For addiction treatment and mental health counseling in Dayton, Ohio, you can try GESMV Main Street Recovery Center. They’re also called the Goodwill Easter Seals Miami Valley.
After a complete assessment, you’ll begin treatment. This usually includes addiction medication and solo counseling. You’ll also have therapy in a group setting. Psychiatry services are an option if you’d like extra help. They assign case managers who’ll link you to resources. They help you recover and start living again.
What I appreciate about them is that they create work opportunities. This helps you to make a living for yourself and your family. They provide training to build your skills. Their goal for each person they treat is to live independently.
Some people say they do good work. A few mention that some of the staff aren’t confidential. Others describe them as supportive and helpful. They say the facility is clean and cared for. Most people say they benefited from treatment.