Glory House
4000 South West Avenue
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
About Glory House
Glory House is a substance addiction and mental health treatment center for adults. They offer residential and outpatient services, depending on the unique needs of each guest. They also give priority to IV drug users, pregnant women, and women with dependent children. A no-cost assessment will help them determine your appropriate level of care. You'll find 'em out in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.
They use evidence-based methods, like dialectical behavior therapy and the matrix model, to help guests live in the present and develop healthy coping mechanisms for stress and emotional situations. You may also work on relapse prevention methods to help you avoid people and places that may not be appropriate for a sober lifestyle.
Counseling sessions may help you with personal growth and assist with making better decisions that affect your overall health. Moral reconation and cognitive behavioral therapy can raise your reasoning awareness, allowing you to become less reactive.
You’ll attend individual counseling sessions where you’re provided with one-on-one time to discuss thoughts and feelings that may have led to addiction challenges. You can also discuss issues that could interfere with your recovery efforts in a safe space with a professional experienced in substance use issues.
Group sessions give you opportunities with others in recovery who share the goal of long-term sobriety. Members can offer each other valuable feedback that may relate to their recovery goals.
Guests are encouraged to attend 12 Step meetings to help supplement treatment. These meetings also provide emotional and social support from a trusted network of like-minded individuals.
Weekly urine drug testing is required in the program to ensure guests are maintaining sobriety. Case management is available to help guide you through the program and make referrals to outside resources when needed. Case managers can also help with parolee and probation issues for state requirements.
They have sliding scale fees available, depending on the family size and income.