Family Service League Mastic
1235 Montauk Highway
Mastic, NY 11950
About Family Service League Mastic
Family Service League Mastic in Mastic, New York, offers mental health and substance use treatment and support for people of all ages. They also provide drug and alcohol education services to elementary school students and teachers.
They offer their services through general outpatient programs. Additionally, their Center of Treatment Innovation Mobile Recovery (COTI) can treat you in your home or other areas throughout the community. They also operate a number of mental health clinics and satellite locations to deliver their services to a larger audience. Some Family Service League services (such as their mental health clinics and satellites) accept Medicare and Medicaid.
As their name suggests, the Family Service League focuses on healing the family. Even though only one person in the family may be living with addiction, they include everyone in the process because those close to you may need help addressing how they've been impacted, too. What's more, with proper education and support your family can be powerful allies in maintaining sobriety.
You may find that their COTI program can help you in unexpected ways. This mobile program looks to assess your current needs and situation based on your mental health. From there, they'll work with you and connect you with local resources to help you meet the identified needs. COTI covers what you might expect, like physical and mental health issues. But they can also help you with work and housing, as well as other issues you may be facing. COTI can be a great first step toward getting multifaceted care.
All services are individualized to you and your family's needs. This ensures that you receive a uniquely tailored experience.