Encore Outpatient Services

1005 N. Glebe Rd.
Arlington, VA 22201

Arlington, Virginia

About Encore Outpatient Services

Encore Outpatient Services is a private alcohol and drug addiction treatment program in Arlington, Virginia. Their levels of care include partial hospitalization programs, intensive outpatient programs, and general outpatient programs. Their treatment programs are a mixture of psychotherapy, psychiatry, and counseling. They do offer co occuring disorder treatment and aftercare.

No matter what level of care you enter into at this facility, you'll be supported by comprehensive case management services. Navigating your healthcare can be tricky when you're in treatment, but the case management services take away much of the stress by taking the lead and helping you better understand the process. Case management services can also act as a personal advocate, ensuring you get the services you need.

An aspect of their program I like is their assessments. They combine nutritional and biopsychosocial assessments to further identify needs and any other causes related to your addiction. It's an additional layer contributing to your comprehensive care.

Levels of Care


Inpatient Rehab

Drug and alcohol rehab in Virginia often takes place in an inpatient rehab setting. This means living at the t...reatment center under 24/7 clincial supervision while you receive various treatments. Typical methods include individual and group therapy, medication, and dietary counseling.
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Contact Encore Outpatient Services

Phone icon 703-436-8158
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1005 N. Glebe Rd.
Arlington, VA 22201

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Fact checked and written by:
Benjamin Cardenas
Edited by:
Peter Lee, PhD

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