Compass Health Network Warrenton
19515 Brune Parkway
Warrenton, MO 63383
About Compass Health Network Warrenton
Compass Health Network’s Warrington site is a nonprofit organization that provides mental health treatment services. They have programs for adults and children delivered in general outpatient settings. They’re located in Warrington, Missouri. Counseling is available for individuals and family as well as groups.
The Warrington team is focused on delivering comprehensive care through its programs. That means assessments and testing in addition to counseling and psychiatry. The separate programs for children and adults allow them to approach each age group in an effective and informed manner. No matter what issue you bring, you can expect it to be treated with a high level of care.
It's worth noting that some services like medication management are available through telehealth. While not everything is done remotely, the services that can be performed this way can reduce time spent traveling to and from the clinic.
The Warrington location also provides dental care as well as pediatric and family medicine.