Clayton Behavioral
9890 Clayton Road Suite 100
Saint Louis, MO 63124
About Clayton Behavioral
If you are living with a mental health struggle or have an addiction use disorder, you can find care at Clayton Behavioral. This Saint Louis, Missouri, location works with all individuals. They have specialized programs for working professionals. Plus, there are also dedicated programs for children and teens.
The care here is offered through an outpatient setting. You’ll start by working with a care team who will evaluate your issues and create a care plan that meets your specific needs. Some of the services you’ll find here include medication assisted treatment. This is when FDA approved Suboxone is used to help you manage your withdrawal symptoms and cravings.
I really like that during every part of your treatment, you’ll have a care team that will assess your needs. They can adjust your treatment to include or remove therapies that will help you build the skills you need for success.
Other services you’ll find include an onsite pharmacy. You can also get connected to resources including support groups and continuing education.