Caron New York City Recovery Center

575 Madison Avenue
New York City, NY 10022

New York City, New York

About Caron New York City Recovery Center

Caron New York Addiction Treatment and Drug Recovery Center provides substance abuse care in New York, New York. They also offer gender specific programs so guests can focus on treatment without distractions present.

They have recovery support services to help you transition back into the community or your home life. The team provides referral services and educational tools for those who have completed treatment or are currently in recovery.

Individual counseling offers one on one time with a professional skilled in addiction treatment. You may work on uncovering the root causes of your substance use and developing healthy coping strategies to address those issues. Counseling can help you identify substance use triggers, avoid them, and design relapse prevention methods for use after treatment.

Family counseling is included in the program and can help mend relationships affected by substance use. It can also create a supportive network and help loved ones understand more about the disease of addiction.

Support groups can offer time with others in recovery who understand your experiences and recovery journey. They may provide valuable feedback related to substance use.

Case management is available to help guide you through their services and ensure you get all the benefits from the program. Case managers can connect you with outside resources and tools for continued recovery support.

They include student programs and family coaching to help with customized prevention and recovery plans. Many of these services are funded by grants, offering low or no costs to the individuals.

Specialized support groups are available to assist with sustained recovery efforts. These programs include gender specific recovery groups. Their team offers high level recovery support so you can live a life of sustained sobriety.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Adult Program Alcoholism Drug Rehab Teen & Adolescent Program

Adult Program

A quality adult program in New York provides a combination of medical, mental, and emotional support to treat the whole individual. Various methods are used to help adults achieve and maintain sobriety.


To address the full range of issues involved in alcohol use disorder, an alcohol rehab in New York often incorporates a variety of treatment methods. Physical activity, nutrition, psychotherapy, and support groups are common aspects of treatment.

Drug Rehab

When you choose drug rehab in New York, you’ll participate in a variety of treatments that are designed to help you live a drug-free lifestyle. Common methods of treatment include group, individual, and family counseling, medication management, nutrition, exercise, and management of co-occurring mental health disorders.

Teen & Adolescent Program

While at a young adult program in New York, young people can participate in activities and therapy sessions that cater to their age bracket. They can also form relationships with other young adults for mutual support.

Levels of Care


Outpatient Rehab

For those who require accountability but less intensive oversight, outpatient rehab in New York is a good opti...on. During this treatment, you meet regularly with a counselor and attend support group meetings, for accountability and encouragement. This may last for a few weeks or months, based on your recovery journey.
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Aftercare & Alumni Program

Once rehab is complete, aftercare rehab in New York steps in to prevent relapse. This program gives you access... to resources that reduce stress and help you successfully navigate challenges. Studies show that people who take advantage of these resources are more likely to maintain long-term recovery.
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Contact Caron New York City Recovery Center

Phone icon 855-904-4325
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575 Madison Avenue
New York City, NY 10022

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Fact checked and written by:
Patti Croft, MBA
Edited by:
Courtney Myers, MS

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