Brightview Georgetown Addiction Treatment Center

421 Home Street
Georgetown, OH 45121

Georgetown, Ohio

About Brightview Georgetown Addiction Treatment Center

Brightview Georgetown Addiction Treatment Center can help you with part time addiction treatment in Georgetown, Ohio. While your treatment allows you freedom to carry on with your normal life in between sessions, you’ll be well supported throughout your recovery.

You’ll get medication that takes away cravings. Regular individual counseling and group therapy sessions help you understand where your addiction started and what your triggers are. Peer recovery supporters are there to help you stay strong at each stage.

If you need housing, employment, education or other social services, your case manager can link you to community resources. Your case manager becomes your champion and helps you navigate your treatment, sorts out insurance issues and is with you through your journey.

People who’ve been treated there say how much they appreciate the staff being there for them through all the ups and downs of recovery. Others describe them as encouraging. Many mention that the doctors take time to listen and help you.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Adult Program Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Drug Rehab Teen & Adolescent Program

Adult Program

Tailored for men and women over the age of 18, each adult program in Ohio incorporates multiple therapeutic methods to treat addiction. Various levels of care are offered, based on the needs of the individual.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Distorted, negative thought patterns can lead to negative behaviors such as substance abuse. Cognitive behavioral therapy in Ohio addresses these negative thoughts to help individuals make positive changes.

Drug Rehab

Drug rehab in Ohio provides comprehensive treatment to address the physical and psychological needs of those struggling with substance use disorders. This may involve inpatient and/or outpatient care.

Teen & Adolescent Program

A young adult program in Ohio ensures participants receive the most appropriate treatment. Therapies and activities are customized to meet the needs of young people in their teens and twenties.

Levels of Care


Outpatient Rehab

During outpatient rehab in Ohio, you’ll develop sober-living skills and learn how to live a sober lifestyle.... This happens through regular meetings with a recovery expert and involvement in a 12-step program. Your outpatient treatment can continue for as long as you need it, from weeks to years.
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medicaid icon Medicaid Accepted

If you're an Ohio resident and need help paying for rehab, you may be eligible for Ohio Medicaid. Coverage thr...ough Medicaid may vary, but it can assist with the cost of alcohol and drug rehab in Ohio, including detox, inpatient rehab, and more.
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private-insurance icon Private Insurance

If you have private insurance in Ohio, you can use it to help cover the cost of alcohol and drug rehab in Ohio.... The amount covered may depend on your policy and whether the treatment center is in-network or out-of-network. You may be left with some costs like a co-payment, or co-insurance. Check with your insurer for more information.
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self-pay icon Self-Pay Options

Paying for alcohol and drug rehab in Ohio out-of-pocket is known as self-pay or private pay. This option allow...s you to take charge of your recovery journey by giving you the freedom to choose where you attend detox or alcohol and drug rehab in Ohio without being subjected to the limitations or your insurer or state-run programs.
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Contact Brightview Georgetown Addiction Treatment Center

Phone icon 419-359-8723
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421 Home Street
Georgetown, OH 45121

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Fact checked and written by:
Dianne Wilson
Edited by:
Anna Spooner

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