Behavioral Health Group

2165 Spicer Cove Suite 5
Memphis, TN 38134

Memphis, Tennessee

About Behavioral Health Group

Addiction treatment is provided by the Behavioral Health Group in an outpatient setting serving Memphis, Tennessee. You’ll participate in individual and group counseling with medication assisted treatment to help recover from opioid addiction. Individual and family counseling is a part of healing here.

Sessions will use cognitive behavioral therapy to teach you how to manage stress and control your drug cravings. Using medications like methadone, you’ll experience a smooth transition into sobriety. These medications will help you avoid any uncomfortable physical symptoms and begin to eliminate the urge to use. Methadone dosing is provided at this clinic and early morning hours can accommodate any schedule.

A client who has received treatment at Behavioral Health Group said that they feel no judgment or blame when here. They said they feel humbled that they are treated with care and respect. Other people who’ve received treatment here say it’s a wonderful place with a great network of clinics.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Adult Program Alcoholism Drug Rehab Men's Rehab Opioid Treatment Women's Rehab Teen & Adolescent Program

Adult Program

An adult program in Tennessee helps individuals reclaim their lives from addiction. Through various treatment methods, adults learn how to end their dependence on substances and live a drug-free lifestyle.


An alcohol rehab in Tennessee provides treatment to break free from alcohol addiction. Methods typically combine counseling, group support, and behavioral therapy, with alcohol abstinence and long-term sobriety as the goals.

Drug Rehab

Drug rehab in Tennessee prepares you to start life anew with the right tools to maintain sobriety. You’ll learn how to manage stress, adopt healthy lifestyle habits, and prevent relapse. This is typically accomplished through counseling, medication, and evidence-based therapies.

Men's Rehab

Men’s rehab in Tennessee addresses the different life experiences and genetic factors that shape how men are affected by addiction. By doing so, this type of treatment can be most effective for men who are struggling with substance use.

Opioid Treatment

Opioid rehab in Tennessee helps you overcome your addiction to opioids. Programs typically include detoxification, medication assisted treatment, and counseling. Detox helps you safely manage withdrawal. Counseling helps you explore the reasons behind your addiction and learn skills to overcome it.

Women's Rehab

The main goal of women’s rehab in Tennessee is to provide a comfortable setting where women can focus on recovery. This environment helps women in treatment nurture their body, mind, and spirit without distractions.

Teen & Adolescent Program

A young adult program in Tennessee helps participants overcome the effects of substance use on the developing brain. Participants build positive peer relationships, learn how to manage stress without drugs or alcohol, and develop tools for resolving trauma and setting boundaries.

Levels of Care


Detox & MAT

Typically, drug rehab in Tennessee begins with a detox program.. This is the process of slowly and safely all addictive substances from your system. Detox may take a couple of days to a week, depending on your personal history and drug of choice. .
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Outpatient Rehab

Those who are coping well with reentry into society while sober are good candidates for outpatient rehab in Te...nnessee. This program involves attending multiple on-site sessions per week to provide accountability and support. Treatment lasts as long as you need it to, as it's based on your recovery progression.
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self-pay icon Self-Pay Options

You may have the option to pay for alcohol and drug rehab in Tennessee out-of-pocket, also known as self-pay o...r private pay. This way, you take charge of the cost of your recovery journey and can access all levels of care, including detox in Tennessee, and inpatient rehab in Tennessee, without the restrictions of a private insurer or state-run program.
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Contact Behavioral Health Group

Phone icon 901-372-7878
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2165 Spicer Cove Suite 5
Memphis, TN 38134

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Fact checked and written by:
Kelly Junco, CPC, CPRC, BA, BS
Edited by:
Peter Lee, PhD

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