Axis I Center of Barnwell
179 Fuldner Rd
Barnwell, SC 29812
About Axis I Center of Barnwell
Axis 1 Center is in Barnwell, South Carolina. They provide substance abuse and mental health services for youths and adults. They have a team of experts committed to helping the community understand the effects of alcohol and drug use. Their outpatient treatment programs make getting assistance more flexible so you can continue working or attending school.
Medication assisted treatment (MAT) is available to help reduce withdrawal symptoms and drug cravings for those experiencing alcohol or drug addiction.
Their unique program addresses and educates families to explore the peer pressure and curiosity faced by teens. They use a holistic approach, which involves healthy food choices, activity, substance-free living, and disease prevention.
Axis 1 is in a quiet corner of town, but they have community partners, like ECHO (Empowering Communities for Healthy Outcomes/Drug-Free Communities Support Program), Barnwell Farmers Market, and HEALing Partners (Healthy Eating and Active Living). These partners promote lifestyle changes and target the root causes of many illnesses.
Axis 1 includes intervention services, like alcohol and drug safety programs, anger management, drug screening, nicotine counseling, and partners in parenting. These services address issues faced by teens and help parents by giving them the knowledge and resources to work through them. Peer support services can provide guidance and a perspective from someone with similar experiences in recovery.
The Axis 1 Center is also a designated community Narcan training and distribution center. They also have Fentanyl Testing Strips and Xylazine Testing Strips.
Case management is available to connect guests to outside agencies and resources for ongoing recovery assistance. Kilkenny Park is nearby if you need to unwind and relax between sessions. Aftercare is included in the program and may involve continued counseling, group meetings, and community events that keep you engaged in sobriety and interacting with peers.