Any Length Recovery Community
4742 Broad Street
Sumter, SC 29154
About Any Length Recovery Community
Any Length Recovery Community provides long term residential treatment in Sumter, South Carolina. There is a men’s program that is able to house 65 men and a women’s program that is able to house 20 women.
The average length of stay is between six months to one year. If you feel like you would benefit from a longer stay then you are able to do that. I like that they understand that recovery is not a one-size-fits-all. They understand that everyone recovers at their own pace.
Upon admission, you are required to be free from any physical dependency. They can provide you with a referral if detox is needed. Once admitted, you will be in a three-bedroom apartment with a senior leader. Once you progress in the program, you will be able to transfer to a two-bedroom apartment.
What stands out to me is that you will be held accountable in a structured environment. You are going to be responsible for your own cooking, cleaning and shopping. You will also need to assist in maintaining the yard. Having these day-to-day responsibilities will help you reach the goal of gaining employment and become self-supportive.
You will start your days with morning meditation. I like that they provide meetings in the mornings and the evenings. Having meetings throughout the day allows them to accommodate everyone's schedule.
I like all the activities that you will be able to participate in. They have picnics, cookouts and campfire meetings. Sundays are somewhat of a free day. Most people will go play golf or engage in a nice game of volleyball.
What stood out to me is that all staff members are in recovery themselves. Many of them are also former residents. They are able to relate to you and lend an ear. You will also have access to a staff member as they are on the premises round the clock.