Willamette Family

149 West 12th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401

Eugene, Oregon

About Willamette Family

Willamette Family provides substance abuse services for residents of Eugene, Oregon, and nearby areas. They provide gender specific residential, outpatient, medical detox and sobering services. Funding for all their programs is mainly due to donations. They have sliding scale fees, grants, and accept most Oregon Coordinated Care Organizations like Trillium, PacificSource and IHN, as well as commercial insurance plans.

They have 30-90 day separate residential programs for self identifying men and women. These facilities give you access to a care team that works together to meet your needs. They offer mental health treatment and health services like psychiatric care and medication assisted treatment. I like that they also offer parenting support.

While in residential care, you’ll get access to peer support from people who have been in your shoes and can understand what you’re going through. Willamette Family offers life skills coaching and access to religious/spiritual and family support programs. They coordinate with many community partners to help you transition back to society and have the aftercare you need to maintain your sobriety.

They also have a residential program called Families in Recovery. This program is for mothers and their children that is focused on substance abuse recovery from a family lens. Depending on your needs, this program lasts between 90 and 120 days.

Women and children under six years old can love on site. They have a licensed child care center for kids under six that offers therapeutic classrooms that meet their needs. If needed, they can refer you or your children for outside support. They offer parenting and other family support you might need including reunification help. They also work with community partners like HeadStart, Early Childhood Cares and Relief Nursery.
Williamette Family offers medical detox and sobering services. You can comfortably and safely withdraw from chemicals under 24 hour supervision.

Outpatient treatment can be a step down or an alternative to residential care. They offer both intensive and outpatient levels depending on how many hours of support you need a week. Clients can also get DUI services.


executive offices image

Executive Offices

Taking time away from a demanding corporate job to attend drug rehab may seem impossible, but executive drug r...ehab programs combine cutting edge addiction treatment with executive amenities like Wi-Fi, access to computers, and conference calling so you can take care of your health and stay on top of business.
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residential setting image

Residential Setting

Residential drug rehab provides the comforts of home with the therapeutic support needed to successfully recov...er. Benefits of an inpatient program include increased safety, a higher success rate, and the time and distance given to focus on recovery. Residential drug rehabs are often the preferred method of treatment, as they can be tailored to meet specific needs, offer focused therapeutic care, and provide the necessary tools to sustain recovery.
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Addiction Treatment Programs

Adult Program Alcoholism Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Men's Rehab Opioid Treatment Rational Behavior Therapy (RBT) Women's Rehab Teen & Adolescent Program

Adult Program

From detox to aftercare, each adult program in Oregon has one ultimate goal: recovery. These programs use a variety of treatment methods to help those struggling with substance use disorders break free from addiction.


Your recovery journey begins at alcohol rehab in Oregon. There, you’ll receive the tools you need to fight back against addiction. Through a variety of treatment methods and support, you’ll learn how to take your life back and head in a new, healthy direction.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

A guiding principle of cognitive behavioral therapy in Oregon is that people struggling with substance use disorder can learn how to cope in new ways and make positive changes. This treatment method empowers individuals with the skills to do so.

Men's Rehab

Men can find it helpful to attend men’s rehab in Oregon to help them focus on their recovery goals and treatment program. The gender-specific treatment removes distractions that can be caused by the presence of females.

Opioid Treatment

During opioid rehab in Oregon, you may participate in a variety of therapies. Common methods include cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and group therapy. Many treatment programs address dual diagnosis and also provide aftercare support. The ultimate goal is abstinence from opioids for long-term recovery.

Rational Behavior Therapy (RBT)

If you are struggling with substance use disorder, rational emotive behavioral therapy in Oregon targets beliefs that lead to negative behaviors. It can help you replace irrational beliefs and may be influencing your addiction.

Women's Rehab

Female bodies are affected differently by substance abuse than male bodies. Women’s rehab in Oregon addresses these and other differences, to provide effective treatment for women.

Teen & Adolescent Program

Choosing an age-specific rehab is beneficial because participants can interact with their peers. A young adult program in Oregon offers this opportunity, and it provides age-appropriate activities and therapies.

Levels of Care


Outpatient Rehab

For many, outpatient rehab in Oregon is a natural next step after inpatient treatment. This less restrictive e...nvironment offers further counseling and support while you live at home. You’ll attend treatment sessions and 12-step meetings to provide accountability and continued growth, for as long as you need it.
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Aftercare & Alumni Program

Partnering with Oregon aftercare rehab services is one of the best things you can do after initial rehab treat...ment. Aftercare provides counseling, guidance, and practical supports as you begin your life of sobriety. This can last as long as you need it, which, for many, is a year or more.
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Dual Diagnosis & Mental Health

When you struggle with both mental illness and addiction, these conditions aggravate each other. Dual diagnosi...s treatment in Oregon is important to treat both co-occurring disorders. Common methods include medication management and counseling.
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financial-aid icon Financial Aid

If you need help paying for drug rehab in Oregon, you may be eligible for financial aid. Financial assistance ...options include grants, scholarships, non-profit programs, personal funding, and health insurance programs to help you manage the expense of substance abuse treatment.
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medicaid icon Medicaid Accepted

If you need help paying for drug rehab in Oregon, you may be eligible for the Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid). C...overage through the Oregon Health Plan may vary, but it can assist with the drug rehab, including detox, inpatient rehab, and more.
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tricare icon TRICARE

Administered by the Department of Defense, TRICARE offers comprehensive military health insurance plans for ac...tive and retired military members and their families. Similar to PPO programs offered by private insurance companies, TRICARE covers multiple levels of care for addiction treatment, including detox, inpatient rehab, and outpatient services.
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Contact Willamette Family

Phone icon 541-762-4300
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149 West 12th Avenue
Eugene, OR 97401

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Fact checked and written by:
Mari Mendoza, BS
Edited by:
Kerry Nenn, BSW

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