Twin City Counseling Center
523 Summit Street
Winston Salem, NC 27101
About Twin City Counseling Center
Located in Winston-Salem North Carolina is Twin City Counseling Center. They offer DWI and DWLR assessments. They also offer drug education, traffic school and outpatient treatment. They offer a variety of different classes. They focus on providing addiction education to support lifestyle changes for healthy living. In North Carolina, a substance abuse assessment is only valid for six months.
They offer short-term outpatient treatment. This provides you with eight sessions over 30+ days. You'll spend at least 20 hours in group education and counseling. Their long-term outpatient program gives you at least 40 hours of treatment. This is spread over more than 60 days. Their alcohol and drug education traffic school runs every month. You’ll attend 5 group sessions over two weeks.
Are you a resident of North Carolina and received a DWI in another state? Twin City Counseling Center can provide a DWI assessment and ensure that you comply with the other states laws.