65 LGBTQ+ Recovery & Mental Health Resources

65 LGBTQ+ Recovery & Mental Health Resources

65 LGBTQ+ Resources for Recovery & Mental Health

According to data, LGBTQ+ individuals are more than twice as likely to experience mental illness and three times more likely to experience generalized anxiety disorder or major depression. Members of this community are also at a higher risk for drug and alcohol addiction. Fortunately, there are hundreds of supportive resources and treatment options available for LGBTQ+ individuals

Recovery & Mental Health Statistics in the LGBTQ+ Community

Reports from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), reveal the following statistics regarding LGBTQ+ individuals:

  • 20-30% of LGBTQ+ individuals misuse substances – compared to 9% of the general population.
  • Transgender and gay individuals use tobacco up to 200% more than heterosexual individuals.
  • 39.1% of LGBTQ+ adults used illicit drugs in 2015 – compared to 17.1% of heterosexual adults.
  • 25% of LGBTQ+ individuals abuse alcohol – compared to 5-10% of heterosexual individuals.

SAMHSA also reports that only 15.3% of LGBTQ+ adults who need treatment for drug or alcohol addiction receive it. We’ve created this resource guide in hopes of improving these numbers.

LGBTQ+ Mental Health Crisis and Suicide Prevention

laptop with gay pride stickerMental health disorders often co-occur with substance use disorders. One leads to the other, or vice versa. That’s why it’s crucial for those struggling with either one to access mental health resources.

For LBGTQ+ individuals who are facing mental health challenges, the following crisis lines are available:

  • The National Mental Health Association: 800-969-6642 – This crisis line offers answers to mental health questions and connects callers to support resources so they can receive treatment and care.
  • The National Alliance on Mental Illness: 800-650-6264 – This helpline is for anyone who is struggling with mental health concerns. Callers can speak with a crisis counselor at this number, or text 741-741 for text-based support.
  • The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 800-273-8255 – This hotline is available 24 hours a day. It offers free and confidential emotional support for those who are experiencing suicidal thoughts.

LBGTQ+ Substance Abuse Challenges

LGBTQ+ individuals face daily challenges that often lead to substance abuse. Common challenges include rejection by family or friends, physical abuse, violence/hate crimes, exclusion, job loss, and peer ridicule.

Impacts of Substance Use Can Include:

Homelessness: Substance abuse affects employment, relationships, and life stability. This can often lead to homelessness. Rejection by families also leaves many LGBTQ+ youth homeless. These teens are then exposed to the dangers of living on the streets, which often includes mental health issues, violence, suicidal tendencies, and unsafe sexual practices.

In an effort to numb the pain or cope with these hardships, LGBTQ+ individuals may turn to substances. This, in turn, creates additional challenges related to drug use and addiction.

Mental health complications: Substance use is often closely linked to mental health disorders. Drug abuse can exacerbate the symptoms of a mental health disorder or lead to serious mental health crises.

Potential complications are:

  • Delusions
  • Psychosis
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Paranoia
  • Panic attacks

Suicide: SAMSHA reports that substance abuse is one of the biggest risk factors for suicide. Research has also found that LGBTQ+ individuals are already at higher risk of suicide, without the contributing factor of substance abuse. When these issues are combined, the risks escalate.

  • Nearly 30% of gay and transgender individuals contemplate suicide during their adolescence.
  • 40% of transgender adults admit to having attempted suicide.

LGBTQ+ Substance Abuse Trends

modern lgbtq+ womanLGBTQ+ individuals most often struggle with four specific addictive substances: tobacco, alcohol, amphetamines, and heroin.


The CDC reports that nearly 25% of LGBTQ+ individuals smoke cigarettes, compared to around 17% of heterosexual individuals. More than 30,000 LGBTQ+ people die each year of tobacco-related diseases.

These inflated numbers may be caused by unique challenges that LGBTQ+ individuals face. However, tobacco companies have also targeted these individuals with aggressive ad campaigns that may also contribute to these statistics.


Two main factors put LGBTQ+ individuals at high risk for alcohol abuse. First, alcohol use, including excessive use, has become normalized in the LGBTQ+ community. This is partly due to the fact that, for many years, the only place LGBTQ+ individuals could be open about their sexuality was in gay bars. This made alcohol consumption one of the main social activities of the community, and it made alcohol misuse more common among LGBTQ+ individuals.

Short-term effects include:

  • Injuries
  • Violence
  • Alcohol poisoning
  • Risky sexual behaviors

Long-term effects of excessive alcohol use include:

  • Liver damage
  • Cancer
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Social problems
  • Learning and memory issues
  • Reduced sexual performance
  • Weakening of the immune system
  • Alcohol dependence and alcohol use disorder
LGBTQ+ individuals often turn to alcohol to cope with the high levels of trauma, stress, depression, and anxiety they experience. As a result:

  • 25% of LGBTQ+ individuals abuse alcohol, compared to 5-10% of heterosexual individuals.
  • Lesbian women are 3x more likely to consume alcohol than heterosexual men or women.
  • Bisexual women and men report higher rates of alcoholism, compared to heterosexual men and women.


Amphetamines, such as crystal meth, are stimulants that create feelings of euphoria. They are highly addictive and are widely abused in the LGBTQ+ community. Side effects of amphetamine abuse include social withdrawal, depression, psychosis, physical health problems, and physical and psychological dependence on the drug.

  • Gay men are 12x more likely to use amphetamines than heterosexual men.
  • In 2019, 9% of LGB adults used meth, compared to 0.9% of all individuals 12 years and older in 2020.


Heroin is an opioid that causes a euphoric rush when snorted or injected. This drug is also highly addictive, and tolerance can develop quickly, which puts users at high risk of overdose and death. Many LGBTQ+ individuals look to heroin as a way to numb their pain. In fact, data shows gay men are 5x more likely to use heroin than heterosexual men.

Dangerous side effects include:

  • Lung complications
  • Kidney disease
  • Liver disease
  • Collapsed veins
  • Infection of heart tissue

LGBTQ+ Addiction Treatment & Rehab Centers

Fortunately, there are hundreds of treatment options available for LGBTQ+ individuals who are struggling with substance abuse. These options include traditional inpatient rehab facilities, as well as LGBTQ+ focused rehab centers.

LGBTQ+ rehab centers typically offer the same treatment programs as traditional ones, but they also focus on unique issues and challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals.

Treatment options available at both types of facilities include:

  • Residential (inpatient) treatment
  • Partial hospitalization programs
  • Intensive outpatient programs
  • Detox treatment
  • Outpatient programs
  • Aftercare services
  • Sexual health programs

LGBTQ+ Recovery & Mental Health Resources

Beyond substance abuse treatment centers, there are multiple sources of support for LGBTQ+ individuals who are facing substance use issues. Following are 65 LGBTQ+ recovery and mental health resources available.

LGBTQ+ Recovery Social Media Resources

lgbtq social media group

  • Liv’s Recovery Kitchen: Provides “all the ingredients to live a fulfilling life in addiction recovery.”
  • Queer Introverts: This Instagram account offers quiet, sober gatherings.
  • Queer Sober Atlanta: This is an inclusive meetup for LGBTQ+ and friends in recovery.
  • Served Up Sober: This nonprofit offers support for women of color who are sober.
  • Sober Hipster: This Facebook page shares stories to empower individuals on their journey of recovery.
  • SobrieteaParty: This group hosts socializing events in New York City. Followable on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.
  • The Temper: An Instagram following that shares real stories of addiction and recovery.

LGBTQ+ Recovery Sober Spaces

  • Framingham GLASS: Offers a supportive community for LGBTQ+ youth of color through services, groups, and activities.
  • Giovanni’s Room: Located in Philadelphia, this is the country’s oldest LGBTQ+ book store in the country.
  • Odd Fox: Offers two locations in Brooklyn, where LGBTQ+ individuals are welcome to drink some coffee, hang out, or work.

LGBTQ+ Recovery Podcasts

  • Breaking Free: Your Recovery Your Way: Discussions of what it means to be in recovery, based on expert insights, experience, and research.
  • Queer Mental Condition: Author Sean Paul Mahoney and comedian Marita DeLeon talk about sobriety and recovery from a queer point of view.
  • Recovery Rocks: Co-hosted by two recovery advocates who love rock and roll. Their podcasts cover discussions of the issues that impact those who struggle to recover.
  • Served Up Sober: Examines life after drugs and alcohol, from an unfiltered view of life and the challenges people face.

LGBTQ+ Recovery Meeting Directories

LGBTQ+ Recovery In-Person and Online Meetings by State

A wealth of LGBTQ-friendly and LBGTQ-focused meetings are available across the country and online. We’ve highlighted a few supportive LGBTQ+ recovery meetings in each state, making it easy to find a meeting that works for you.










  • FREE TO BE ME: Clearwater, FL – Tuesdays, 7-8pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Newcomers, Open – We meet OUTSIDE. Please bring your own chair and beverage.
  • RAINBOW WOMEN GROUP (Online): Sundays, 5-6pm, LGBTQ, Women – Join With Zoom: Meeting ID: 803 623 3513 – No password




  • A VISION FOR YOU: Boise, ID – Sundays, 7pm, In-person, LGBTQ+
  • UP & OUT: Twin Falls, ID – Tuesdays, 7pm, In-person, LGBTQ+



  • LGBTQ+ & FRIENDS: Des Moines, IA – Saturdays, 5:30pm, In-person, LGBTQ+
  • GLBT AA: Cedar Rapids, IA – Wednesdays, 6:30pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Held on Kirkwood College Campus









  • SHARED HOPE: Detroit, MI – Mondays, 7pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Narcotics Anonymous
  • DIVERSITY WEDNESDAY LGBT: Ferndale, MI – Wednesdays, 8-9pm, In-person, Online, LGBTQ+, Closed (AA Members Only) – Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 781 409-704, No password






  • RAINBOW GROUP AA: Lincoln, NE – Mondays, 7:30pm, In-person, LGBTQ+
  • PFLAG: Lincoln, NE – Fourth Tuesday of every month, In-person, LGBTQ+, Peer support/breakout sessions, Questions/needs on topics pertaining to trans, parents, LGBs


New Hampshire

  • COME AS YOU ARE: Concord, NH – Mondays, 6-7pm, In-person, Online, LGBTQ+, Discussion & Speaker – Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 847 036 0117, No password
  • GAY & TOGETHER IN SOBRIETY: Portsmouth, NH – Fridays, 7:30pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Gay & Lesbian, Discussion, Speaker

New Jersey

  • CLEAN AND QUEER: Ocean Grove, NJ – Tuesdays, 8pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Crystal Meth Anonymous, Rotating format
  • GAY MEN IN RECOVERY: Asbury Park, NJ – Mondays, 7:30-8:30pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Closed (AA Members Only)

New Mexico

New York

  • EAST VILLAGE GROUP: New York, NY – Sundays, 6-7pm, Online, LGBTQ+, Closed (AA Members Only), Big Book – Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 673 696 261, Password: EVG
  • SOBER SATURDAYS: Jackson Heights, NY – Saturdays, 5-6pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Closed (AA Members Only) – Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 851 1085 2865, Password: 371194

North Carolina

North Dakota





Rhode Island

South Carolina

  • ACCEPTANCE: Charleston, SC – Mondays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 7pm, In-person, Online, LGBTQ+, Gay and Lesbian – Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 385 791 2295, Password: easydoesit
  • PRIMARY PURPOSE: Columbia, SC – Tuesdays, 6:30-7:30pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Literature and Meditation

South Dakota


  • LAMBDA GROUP: Nashville, TN – Mondays, 8-9pm, In-person, LGBTQ+
  • SOBER PRIDE: Knoxville, TN – Tuesdays, 7:30-8:30pm, Online, LGBTQ+ – Join with Zoom: Meeting ID: 6719711373, Password: 164164



  • SOBER TODAY: Ogden, UT – Wednesdays, 7pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Open
  • ACCEPTANCE GROUP: Salt Lake City, UT – Sundays, 3pm, In-person, Gay and Lesbian



  • DOUBLE ANONYMITY: Richmond, VA – Wednesdays, 6pm, In-person, Gay, Closed – AA members only
  • SOBER DREAMS: Richmond, VA – Saturdays, 8:30pm, In-person, Gay, Open, Speaker


Washington, D.C.

West Virginia



  • JACKSON GROUP AA: Jackson, WY – Mondays, 8-9pm, In-person, LGBTQ+, Closed (AA members only), Discussion
  • ACCEPTANCE: Near Cheyenne, WY – Mondays, 7pm, In-person, Online, LGBTQ+, Newcomers – Join on Zoom: Meeting ID: 823 1956 7360, Password: 932622
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