Sweetser Belfast Residential
9 School Street
Belfast, ME 04915
About Sweetser Belfast Residential
Sweetser is a behavioral health nonprofit agency that provides mental health, recovery, and educational services for people of all ages in Maine. In their secluded center in Belfast, they offer a couple residential programs for youth and adults.
Their Fresh Start program is for young people aged 18-24 who have either a substance use or mental health disorder diagnosis. Many of these clients have experienced childhood trauma, are involved in the criminal justice system or have had a psychiatric hospital stay. I like that this program prevents homelessness and helps young people develop the foundation they need to live on their own successfully.
In addition to a place to live, this program gives young Mariners individual and group therapy, enrichment activities, social interactions, skill development to join the workforce, go to school or volunteer in the local community. What I find most striking about this program is that youth get access to a whole support team. This team is carefully curated to give clients all the support they need. Staff include a program manager, a transitional coordinator, a youth peer, and a clinician that specialize in co-occurring disorders.
To access Fresh Start, the State of Maine needs to make a referral.
Belfast is also home to one of Sweetser’s Private Non-Medical Institutions (PNMI). This residential facility serves adults with major mental illnesses. The goal of this home is to build skills so clients can move to independent or a less supportive living environment. I’m impressed with the lineup of services like meal planning, managing finances, coping skills, exploring vocational and volunteer opportunities, and therapeutic recreation. They don’t provide medical services, though.
For younger clients, Sweetser offers residential treatment services for youth with a mental and/or behavioral health diagnosis. I appreciate that the goal of these stays is to return children to their families. This family-centered program helps youth replace self-destructive thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.