Oxford House Stride
5804 E 18th St
Tulsa, OK 74112
About Oxford House Stride
Based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, Oxford House Stride is part of a network of sober living homes. A non profit, publicly supported facility, residency is available for 6-15 people. Stride is a women’s only house. Residents pay towards household expenses, making this a relatively low cost option for sober housing.
Stride is a safe and sober space for those recovering from alcohol or drug addiction. It seems to be a comfortable option for anyone in need of community and peer support as they navigate sobriety. Alongside peer and community support, residents at Stride can expect life skills education and training. Elected officers help oversee the running of households to ensure a smooth experience for residents. Besides this, it is unclear what other treatment methods are provided at the house, if any. However, previous clients of Stride House are all positive about their experience.
Since this is a sober living home rather than an outright treatment center, it’s best as an option for those who have completed intensive treatment and are able to live fairly independently while attending outpatient care.