Orange County Rescue Mission

1 Hope Drive
Tustin, CA 92782

Tustin, California

About Orange County Rescue Mission

Orange County Rescue Mission provides basic needs and other services for people facing homelessness. This is a faith-based organization that provides real solutions for homelessness. They have an expansive network of campuses and programs including one in Tustin, California.

The VIllage of Hope is a transitional living campus for children, men and women. Residents get everything from outreach to independent living resources. I like that the village of Hope doesn't look like a homeless shelter. It looks very much like a college campus. In fact, all residents are referred to as “students.” Everyone sleeps in a shared bedroom with one other person.

Students will participate in volunteer assignments like working in the kitchen, gardening, and doing maintenance. These skills can help you when you’re looking for work or participating in community events. There's a parenting program where moms and dads will learn parenting skills based on Christian values.

The legal office provides free legal counsel and resources. There’s also Saturday and Sunday worship in the chapel. An onsite medical clinic gives preventative and medical care to students. You can even get vision care and mental care here. I like that they have a graduation ceremony for the whole family when you’re ready to move on.

Counseling is provided by therapy students supervised by a licensed therapist. While substance abuse isn’t the primary focus of this program, many people experiencing homelessness also have substance abuse issues. In treating homelessness, Orange County Rescue Mission also helps people quit their addictions and find purpose and meaning in their lives.

Levels of Care


Inpatient Rehab

Unlike outpatient drug rehab, clients receiving inpatient rehab in California reside at the facility for the d...uration of the program. The length of stay may range from two weeks to 18 months or more, depending on the client's needs and the program’s design.
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Contact Orange County Rescue Mission

Phone icon 714-247-4300
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1 Hope Drive
Tustin, CA 92782

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Fact checked and written by:
Mari Mendoza, BS
Edited by:
Peter Lee, PhD

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