OnTrack HOME Program
3397 Delta Waters Road
Medford, OR 97504
About OnTrack HOME Program
OnTrack HOME Program offers residential addiction and substance use treatment for women in Medford, Oregon. They provide addiction and substance use treatment for clients assessed at an ASAM level of care of 3.5.
They are a state licensed program that serves pregnant women and mothers with children ages newborn to 5 years old. They have on-site staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Their services include couples and family counseling and case management, weekly individual counseling and monthly treatment team meetings, milieu skills training by direct care staff and peer delivered services. They also provide access to mental health, medical or other care necessary to support their client’s recovery process.
They offer at least 20 hours of group counseling per week. They provide a safe environment for residents to obtain the necessary skills to stabilize and reduce symptoms, with the overall goal to decrease the level of care.
They have an ongoing process of transition and discharge planning that starts at intake. The length of residential treatment depends on the client’s identified goals and is regularly evaluated by the client and their treatment team.