Odyssey House
219 East 121st Street
New York City, NY 10035
About Odyssey House
Odyssey House provides substance abuse treatment for adults. They offer residential care at this location, but for guests needing more flexible options, the team can refer you to their outpatient (OP) center. You'll find 'em in New York City, New York.
Their residential program provides a structured setting where guests can concentrate on recovery without outside distractions. You’ll have an experienced team of caregivers working on your behalf. Most residents remain in the program for three to six months. Your recovery starts with a complete medical exam to help the team determine your level of care and unique needs.
Medication assisted treatment (MAT) is available to reduce drug cravings and help calm withdrawal symptoms. They use FDA-approved medicines, and guests have 24-hour care to ensure safety and comfort.
Guests attend motivational enhancement therapy to promote positive changes. You can develop a strategy for successful recovery through increased feelings of motivation.
You may attend individual and group therapy sessions. Individual therapy allows one-on-one time with an experienced professional who can help you uncover the root causes of your addiction. Together, you can discover healthier coping skills, recognize your substance use triggers, and learn relapse prevention methods. Group therapy provides an open setting where you can discuss addiction challenges with others who may share similar experiences and who can offer valuable feedback related to your sobriety journey.
The team at Odyssey House believes strongly in integrated care. Your care will focus not only on the addiction itself but on addressing the mental, physical, and emotional aspects of healing to provide the most comprehensive treatment.
If necessary, you can complete a high school equivalency test and get education and job training. You can make career and educational goals after taking vocational tests to help find a job that's right for you. They'll also give you counseling to help you succeed at your job.
You'll also have the chance to participate in various arts and fitness programs. Odyssey House has an expressive Arts Studio where clients can work with a wide variety of mediums. Residents also have access to a well-equipped gym that has both exercise equipment and weights. There's also lots of opportunity for other kinds of physical fitness including yoga, Pilates, softball and basketball. That way, you can hone your body and find healthier ways to deal with stress.
Their continuum of care model helps you transition from treatment to your community. Aftercare is available and may include continued counseling and support with a step-down outpatient program and peer support.