Oasis Community Services

81557 Doctor Carreon Boulevard Suite C-9
Indio, CA 92201

Indio, California

About Oasis Community Services

Oasis Community Services serves Riverside County through its office in Indio, California. They provide mental health treatment along with a wide range of community support services for adults, teens and youth. This address houses their community services and vocational center.

Oasis has two other locations in Riverside County as well. The Cochella Center and Banning Center provide outpatient mental health services for youth up to age 21 and their families, along with parenting classes and support, in different parts of the county.

Integrated Services and Recovery Center (ISRC)

This program in Indio supports transitional age youth who are 16 to 25 years old. They provide individual and group counseling, crisis support, medication management and job counseling.

The goal of the program is to help these young people stay stable as they transition into adulthood and independent living. Oasis helps young adults avoid homelessness or hospitalization and supports them in finding productive work and developing vocational skills.

Mentoring for Youth in Riverside County

The mentoring program at Oasis provides youth ages 10 to 18 with mentors who spend a few hours with them each week. They do activities such as going to community events, shopping, going to movies and participating in sports.

The goal is to engage young people and give them a role model to look up to so that they learn to make positive choices. It can also help support single parents by providing an additional healthy adult example in young people’s lives.

Vocational Support for Long Term Stability

The vocational rehab program helps those with mental health concerns learn the skills they need to find productive jobs. The program works with state agencies to help connect clients with job training, volunteer opportunities and job coaching.

There are group and individual services to help you with building a resume, applying for jobs, practicing interviewing skills and writing impactful cover letters. You also learn to manage relationships with other employees and how to reach out to potential employers.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) LGBTQ Friendly Rehab Teen & Adolescent Program

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

When a person is struggling with addiction, their actions and emotions may not be rational. Cognitive behavioral therapy in California helps individuals understand better why they feel and act certain ways and how those emotions and actions can lead to substance abuse.

LGBTQ Friendly Rehab

The incidence of substance abuse and addiction is higher among the LBGTQ community. That’s why LBGTQ-friendly rehab in California is available, to offer specialized treatment that addresses the unique needs of individuals in this demographic.

Teen & Adolescent Program

Typically, a young adult program in California can guide individuals from detox, through initial treatment, and extends to aftercare. Treatment gives young adults what they need to reset their lives and move to the next stage of life free from addiction.

Levels of Care


Outpatient Rehab

When you choose outpatient rehab in California, you will meet with a counselor and attend support group meetin...gs. The focus will be on restructuring attitudes and thoughts to reduce cravings and develop skills to prevent relapse. The length of time in outpatient rehab varies by individual, based on their recovery needs.
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Dual Diagnosis & Mental Health

When you have a co-occurring disorder, it is essential to treat both your addiction and the mental health diso...rder. California dual diagnosis treatment provides this type of multidisciplinary approach, for improved recovery outcomes.
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medicaid icon Medicaid Accepted

If you’re an in-state resident and eligible for Medicaid, you can use your coverage to assist with the cost ...of alcohol and drug rehab in California. Medicaid can help cover all levels of care, including detox in California, inpatient rehab in California, and more.
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Contact Oasis Community Services

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81557 Doctor Carreon Boulevard Suite C-9
Indio, CA 92201

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