New Leaf Wellness Center

10921 Pellicano Dr #110
El Paso, TX 79935

El Paso, Texas

About New Leaf Wellness Center

New Leaf Wellness Center (NLWC) is a mental health care and addiction recovery facility for youth and adults in El Paso, Texas. They offer general outpatient (OP) care and aftercare planning and support, including dedicated programming for adolescents, young adults, military personnel and veterans, justice involved persons, couples, families, and persons with co occurring addiction and mental illness.

Clients receive medical and mental health assessments, personalized care planning, and comprehensive case management. They also engage in intensive, trauma informed individual, couples, and family therapy drawing on proven psychotherapeutic modalities, including CBT. The program also promotes clients’ sustained recovery through robust, age specific life skills training addressing topics such as coping, self care, wellness, anger and stress management, emotional regulation, distress tolerance, disease and medication management, communication, parenting, and relapse prevention. Court mandated programming is available.

Their aftercare services ensure a complete continuum of care aligned with clients’ evolving needs and may include referrals for further medical, mental health, and social service support. Payment options include private insurance, Texas Medicaid, sliding scale payment schedules, EAP benefits, and self pay.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Alcoholism Drug Rehab


When you enter alcohol rehab in Texas, you’ll find support systems to help you on your recovery journey. Professional counselors, physicians, and other people in recovery provide services and support to help you make changes and learn how to enjoy a sober lifestyle.

Drug Rehab

While in a drug rehab in Texas, you’ll deal with underlying issues that contribute to addiction. By addressing these challenges and learning healthy ways to cope with them, you’ll develop strategies that help you live a drug-free lifestyle.

Levels of Care


Detox & MAT

Detox in Texas is your first step toward a drug-free future. During this phase, your systems are cleansed of a...ll addictive substances. You’ll receive 24/7 care, which may include medication to alleviate withdrawal symptoms.
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Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient drug rehab in Texas can last from a few weeks to mor than 90 days. During that time, you live at the... facility and receive round-the-clock supervised care. Treatment typically includes individual and group therapy.
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Outpatient Rehab

Outpatient rehab in Texas provides a means for addition treatment while you live at home. You will attend regu...lar therapy sessions and typically maintain involvement with a 12-step program. Because it is tailored for each person’s needs, there is no set timeline for completion of outpatient rehab.
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private-insurance icon Private Insurance

If you have private insurance, you can use it to help cover the cost alcohol and drug rehab in Texas. The amou...nt covered may depend on your policy and whether the treatment center is in-network or out-of-network. You may be left with some costs like a co-payment, or co-insurance. Check with your insurer for more information.
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self-pay icon Self-Pay Options

You have the option to pay for your alcohol and drug rehab in Texas, out-of-pocket (also called self-pay or pr...ivate pay). Self-pay allows you to take control of the cost of your recovery journey and gives you access to all levels of care — including detox in Texas, and inpatient rehab in Texas — that might otherwise be limited by insurers or government-run programs.
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Contact New Leaf Wellness Center

Phone icon 915-313-4114
Building icon 10921 Pellicano Dr #110 El Paso, TX 79935
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Fact checked and written by:
Terri Beth Miller, PhD
Edited by:
Quentin Blount

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