Longbranch Recovery Center

21516 Louisiana 36
Abita Springs, LA 70420

Abita Springs, Louisiana

About Longbranch Recovery Center

Longbranch Recovery Center in Abita Springs, Louisiana, provides substance abuse and co-occurring mental health treatment for men and women. Their residential program is appropriate for those who need more structure without focusing on outside distractions that may hinder treatment.

They offer medication assisted treatment to ease withdrawal symptoms and reduce drug cravings during detox. Guests find a safe, supportive environment to recover with comfort. Detox can take up to 7 days and inpatient stays range from 45-90 days.

Longbranch Recovery Center uses evidence-based methods with individual, group, and family therapy sessions. You may work on various life stressors that could hinder your sobriety. Sessions can also address developing healthy coping skills, recognizing triggers, and relapse prevention strategies.

Their individualized approach to treatment ensures that you get a care plan that works for your recovery goals. Their aim is to identify the root causes of addiction for each guest with a combination of holistic and traditional treatment methods. Sobriety is not a one-size-fits-all path, and the team at Longbranch Recovery Center has the experience and resources to provide proven support for your sober lifestyle.

Levels of Care


Inpatient Rehab

Residential or inpatient rehab in Louisiana is the most intensive level of care. It involves living at the reh...ab facility and receiving 24/7 supervised care. Treatment interventions usually include individual and group therapy, nutritional counseling, experiential therapies, and medication.
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Contact Longbranch Recovery Center

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21516 Louisiana 36
Abita Springs, LA 70420

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Fact checked and written by:
Patti Croft, MBA
Edited by:
Peter Lee, PhD

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