La Casita
10603 Downey Avenue
Downey, CA 90241
About La Casita
La Casita is a certified drug Medi-Cal provider in suburban Downey, California. They run a residential substance use disorder treatment for women and their children. Since 1996, La Casita has been providing addiction support for women including those who are pregnant and have recently given birth.
Services are provided, free of cost, to Medi-Cal and My Health LA qualified individuals. Staff are also happy to help you enroll in Medi-Cal or My Health LA programs.
The first step for women coming in for treatment is an assessment. You’ll be assessed using the American Society of Addiction Medicine Assessment. This will let staff give you a diagnosis and create a treatment plan for your situation.
Once you’re admitted into La Casita, you’ll get individual counseling with a therapist or substance abuse specialist. Residents also get education and counseling in small groups. This lets you learn from your peers and give and get support from each other. If you meet offsite, recreation sites like Furman’s Park isn’t too far away.
Women will submit to random drug screening during their stay to keep clients accountable. They also offer transportation to get you to and from La Casita for appointments or when admitted and discharged. They offer case management services. This means that they’ll work with you to work through the issues you are facing that could prevent your recovery. This could include help navigating the health or legal system, family reunification or something else. Whatever you need, your dedicated case manager will help you.
I like that they have an access program for deaf and hard of hearing women. They offer treatment in American Sign Language and have a diverse and culturally sensitive environment for deaf clients. La Casita’s staff are trained to understand and respond to the needs of the deaf and hard of hearing community.