Hogar CREA International of Florida
3030 Eunice Ave
Orlando, FL 32808
About Hogar CREA International of Florida
Hogar CREA International of Florida is located in Orlando, Florida. This is a drug rehab facility that serves men and women who need support for their drug, alcohol, or opioid use struggles. Care is offered in a residential treatment setting.
This organization follows a re-education of character approach to care. Under this approach, you'll work with a care team that is dedicated to helping you navigate recovery in a manner that targets your mind, body, and soul. The treatment program spans 12 months and features different stages or phases of care that progressively get more challenging and targeted. The aim of recovery is to help you build skills that can guide your life once you exit the treatment program.
The treatment team here follows what's known as the therapeutic community model. This model integrates various therapy intervention services. Their bi-psycho-social-spiritual model will help you focus on helping you modify your behaviors and habits that would have normally led to substance use in the past.
You'll focus on developing different aspects of your character. This may include building your confidence, establishing your autonomy, and helping you take initiative to create and meet realistic recovery goals.
Through this introspection, identification, and personal growth, you'll begin building the skills you need to help you maintain sustainable sobriety. There are also follow up services that will help you continue progressing through recovery while in residential treatment and after you complete the program.