Highland Rivers Health Pickens Recovery and Wellness Center
323 Roland Road
Jasper, GA 30143
About Highland Rivers Health Pickens Recovery and Wellness Center
Highland Rivers Health Pickens Recovery and Wellness Center in Jasper, Georgia provides accredited mental and behavioral health treatment to those in need. Support is available to clients of all ages including veterans and families. Georgia state and federal benefits are accepted as well as Medicaid and Medicare. Uninsured and low-income individuals can access sliding scale fees.
As one of Georgia’s largest behavioral healthcare providers, this center prides itself on providing thorough treatment and recovery services for various mental health disorders, developmental disabilities and addiction.
Their addiction treatment is heavily based on the American Society of Addiction Treatment’s (ASAM) philosophy and uses the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration’s (SAMHSA) Ten Guiding Principles of Recovery as a foundational reference for its treatment practices and services. As part of this, clients are encouraged to be actively engaged in their treatment.
The center’s substance use support services are community-based and personalized to individuals’ needs and preferences. Staff help individuals craft their own recovery plan, taking into account their personal strengths and goals. Staff can meet individuals in their homes for this or in community spots like shelters or other public environments that offer enough safety and privacy to complete the task. This can be done on flexible time, to accommodate individuals’ work or educational schedules,or to respond swiftly to early signs of relapse or crisis.
From here, clients can access group counseling and skills training programs. These sessions can help with social skills, healthy living practices and communication.
Intensive transitional housing programs are also available for adult men, as well as residential recovery programs designed specifically for women including those who are pregnant or parents of young children. Outpatient programming is also an option for more flexible care.