Missions Hart House
550 Galtier Street
Saint Paul, MN 55103
About Missions Hart House
Located in Saint Paul, Minnesota, Hart House is a sober living program for women, trans, and nonbinary individuals in recovery from substance use disorder. Offering a supportive residential drug rehab program, Hart House provides transitional housing for a few weeks to one year.
Established in 2001, Hart House is a 24 bed sober living home. Individuals are referred to Hart House through several referral sources, including drug and alcohol treatment centers, hospitals, shelters, and insecure housing situations. Residents are admitted to the program on the basis of need, defined by a certified drug and alcohol counselor or physician. Residents receive a wide range of services including individual and group counseling, goal planning, recreational activity, and advocacy services to navigate social systems.
Hart House is funded through the State of Minnesota Housing Support per diems and residents must meet eligibility requirements. Low income individuals may be required to pay part of their rent. Hart House is accredited by Candid with a gold transparency certificate, the Charities Review Council and MARRCH reflecting excellence in addiction care.