Hands Up Counseling
3100 N Academy Blvd #203
Colorado Springs, CO 80917
About Hands Up Counseling
Located in Colorado Springs, Hands Up Counseling is an outpatient addiction treatment center serving young people. Programs include youth counseling, DUI education, court evaluations, drug and alcohol screening, assessment and referrals, family support, and telehealth.
Hands Up Counseling boasts a team of highly educated addiction counselors who empower youth to find strength and purpose in their lives. They believe that every child deserves to overcome the burden of addiction. The comprehensive outpatient program provides addiction counseling, DUI education, support, and skills training on how to live substance free.
Addiction Treatment Programs
Alcohol rehab in Colorado provides a crucial support system that sees you through challenges and helps you come out victorious on the other side. Treatment helps individuals come to terms with alcohol abuse issues and learn how to overcome them.Drug Rehab
Professional services are often necessary to recover from addiction. Drug rehab in Colorado provides the expert services needed to address the complex issues of addiction and help individuals start their recovery journey.Levels of Care
Detox & MAT
Your safely is paramount throughout the process of detox in Colorado. You'll receive round-the-clock care as d...rugs and alcohol are cleansed from your body. The detox process can vary in length, depending on the type of drug, length of dependency, and other details.Inpatient Rehab
Residential or inpatient rehab in Colorado is the most intensive treatment setting, offering medication manage...ment, individual and family therapy, and verious forms of evidence-based or holistic therapy. Clients live at the facility while receiving treatment.Outpatient Rehab
During outpatient rehab in Colorado, you will attend counseling sessions but live at home while you receive tr...eatment. You will be required to attend groups such as AA or NA to receive additional support. The length of time in outpatient rehab varies by individual, based on their recovery journey.Insurance
Private Insurance
Use your private rehab insurance plan to help pay for alcohol and drug rehab in Colorado. The amount covered u...sually depends on your specific policy details, but you may be responsible for copayments or co-insurance fees. Check with your insurer for more information.Self-Pay Options
When using self-pay options to cover the cost of alcohol and drug rehab in Colorado, you can either pay out-of...-pocket or take out a personal medical loan from a bank, credit union, or financing company. Fee structures often depend on the level of care needed.Contact Hands Up Counseling
Location Details
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