
Closed: Please See Nearby Facilities
Bowling Green, Kentucky

About Guesthouse

Guesthouse was a substance abuse recovery retreat in Bowling Green, Kentucky. It was a 28 day program for adults using a variation of the 12 Steps model and focusing on whole person recovery. Guesthouse has since closed, but you can find other addiction recovery programs nearby.

Dedicated Service to Families

An aspect of their program I found interesting was the Family/Friend Guesthouse Program. While many treatment programs will include family members and loved ones in some capacity, I feel this program went a step further by hosting weekly meetings. It offered a chance for those close to people in recovery to get a closer understanding of addiction and the recovery process.

The program also focused on coping skill development for friends and family, which is an important aspect of recovery I feel shouldn't be overlooked.

Providing Specialized Care to Professionals

Another unique aspect of their program was a separate treatment track for professionals across a wide range of industries. While the program was open to anyone, I liked how they recognized the need to deliver care for working professionals.

In a way, it was a logical extension of personalized care. By recognizing the strengths that brought such professionals career success, staff was better equipped to help them address the underlying causes of their addictions.

As mentioned above, Guesthouse has closed. Other treatment facilities are active in the area that can help you.

Levels of Care


Inpatient Rehab

Inpatient rehab, also known as residential rehab, means living at the drug rehab in Kentucky while receiving 2...4/7 supervised medical care. Treatments typically include individual and group therapy, as well as medication and various forms of psychotherapy.
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