Greater Essex Counseling Services
23 Branford Place 2nd Floor
Newark, NJ 07102
About Greater Essex Counseling Services
Greater Essex Counseling Services is a private substance abuse clinic. They are located in Newark, New Jersey. They are an outpatient clinic for adults. They offer intensive outpatient and general outpatient services along with aftercare. They use a holistic integrated philosophy to treat addiction and mental health concerns.
Treating just the symptoms of your addiction does little to change the behavior itself. At this facility they seek to identify the underlying issues that trigger your substance use. Through counseling they can help you resolve those issues and develop relapse prevention skills for recovery. You'll work with staff to identify your goals and build your treatment plan.
An aspect of their program I like is the inclusion of anger management sessions. Emotional regulation is a common part of addiction therapy, so having dedicated sessions on the subject emphasizes its importance. Those in treatment may attend up to two sessions per week. Anger management is also available as a separate program.