Granite Wellness Centers Outpatient

12183 Locksley Lane Suite 101–104
Auburn, CA 95602

Auburn, California

About Granite Wellness Centers Outpatient

If you’re looking for part time addiction recovery and mental health treatment in Auburn, California, you can try Granite Wellness Centers. You’ll find them close to the Auburn Municipal Airport. They help adults, adolescents and families to heal from substance use and mental health disorders in an outpatient (OP) and office setting.

As an adult, you’ll get a year long recovery plan suited to your needs. While you’re in counseling or group sessions, they’ll provide childcare. The counselors who’ll work with you are qualified to manage drug and alcohol addictions. You’ll have access to mental health counselors, too.

Families can attend treatment for 8 to 16 weeks. Your counselor will assess the family dynamic and set up a family recovery plan. Their goal is to see your family healed and restored.

I appreciate their dedicated program for mothers who desire to be free from addiction. Together with counseling and therapy, they teach practical skills such as healthy food planning, cooking and parenting. Those support and help moms to be reunited with their children.

If you’ve been court ordered to attend driving under the influence classes, they can help you. They often work with adults referred to them by the adult drug court. They provide professional evaluations for substance use and anger management. You’ll be interviewed and have clinical tests for drug usage.

Since Granite Wellness Centers operates in various locations, you can get access to more robust services if you need them. At the Auburn location, you can get referred to residential treatment programs and detox services offered through other Granite Wellness Centers.

In addition to accepting self pay, the Auburn location accepts coverage from most major insurance plans. They also accept policies from MediCal. They do not accept coverage from Kaiser. Out of network benefits may apply, speak with your insurance provider to learn more.

Addiction Treatment Programs

Drug Rehab Men's Rehab Women's Rehab

Drug Rehab

Drug rehab in California teaches participants constructive ways to stay clean and sober. Treatment revolves around helping individuals stop using the substance they are addicted to and learn healthy habits to avoid relapse.

Men's Rehab

Gender-specific addiction treatment programs may be more effective in treating men because they focus on unique needs of males. Men’s rehab in California is designed to help men process emotions and cope with stress in a judgment-free environment.

Women's Rehab

Women’s rehab in California provides a safe environment where women can work through addiction challenges surrounded by their gender peers. This often creates an environment that is more conducive to recovery.

Levels of Care


Inpatient Rehab

Unlike outpatient drug rehab, clients receiving inpatient rehab in California reside at the facility for the d...uration of the program. The length of stay may range from two weeks to 18 months or more, depending on the client's needs and the program’s design.
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Outpatient Rehab

When you choose outpatient rehab in California, you will meet with a counselor and attend support group The focus will be on restructuring attitudes and thoughts to reduce cravings and develop skills to prevent relapse. The length of time in outpatient rehab varies by individual, based on their recovery needs.
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private-insurance icon Private Insurance

As a California resident with private rehab insurance, you can use your coverage to help pay for alcohol and d...rug addiction treatment. You may be asked to pay some costs like a co-payment or co-insurance. Check with your insurer for more information.
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self-pay icon Self-Pay Options

There are a number of self-pay options available for alcohol and drug rehab in California. If you can’t affo...rd to write a check for the full cost of inpatient or outpatient treatment, personal and medical loans offer alternate ways of financing.
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Contact Granite Wellness Centers Outpatient

Phone icon 530-885-1961
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12183 Locksley Lane Suite 101–104
Auburn, CA 95602

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Fact checked and written by:
Dianne Wilson
Edited by:
Peter Lee, PhD

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