Caroline Goldberg Wayne NJ Psychotherapist
10 Birkett Court
Wayne, NJ 07470
About Caroline Goldberg Wayne NJ Psychotherapist
If you’re looking for counseling for substance use addiction in Wayne, New Jersey, you can go to Caroline Goldberg. She is a highly qualified psychotherapist who can help you. You’ll be seen in a homely office in a park like residential suburb, rich in trees and beautifully manicured lawns. As clients are seen on an appointment basis, you can fit your sessions around your regular commitments.
Co-occurring Treatment Near Serene Packanack Lake
Addiction and mental health challenges often go hand in hand. By seeing a psychotherapist for your addiction counseling, they can address your mental health issues as well. Sometimes resolving your mental health struggles can lessen the hold addiction has on you and bring healing.
I appreciate that they specialize in treating anxiety, fear and depression. You can get help with other issues such as PTSD, and self sabotaging and They’ll work through past trauma, relationship and parenting struggles with you. They can help you in all the areas that take strain when you get caught up in an addiction.
Unique Treatment Approaches for Addiction Relief in Passaic County
I noticed that Caroline offers unique approaches to recovery such as hypnotism and object relations. Hypnotism has been used to create positive changes in the subconscious. It can relieve withdrawal symptoms, alleviate pain and promote emotional well-being..
The theory behind object relations and substance use is that addictions may be rooted in one's relationship with caregivers in early childhood. Those who experienced insecure attachments as a child are at risk of developing addictions to fill the void.
Levels of Care
Inpatient Rehab
Inpatient drug rehab in New Jersey offers the most intensive treatment setting, with 24/7 medical care availab...le. While living at the rehab facility, you’ll participate in various treatments, typically including extensive psychotherapies that draw on modalities like cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and motivational interviewing.Contact Caroline Goldberg Wayne NJ Psychotherapist