Gemeinschaft Home
1423 Mount Clinton Pike
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
About Gemeinschaft Home
Gemeinschaft Home in Harrisonburg, Virginia, runs residential and non-residential programs for folks who have recently left incarceration or are under court supervision. They have separate facilities for men and women. Gemeinschaft Home is staffed 24 hours a day.
Women’s Residential Treatment in Downtown Harrisonburg
The women's home is in a spacious brick building on Old South High Street. This home is a tranquil quality residence that gives residents food, counseling, job coaching and a model for making healthy and responsible decisions. Women live together and are responsible for their share of household chores and cooking responsibilities. Clients get individualized case management to help them develop goals. Everyone is eligible for random drug and alcohol screens.
I really like that they work with clients to help them find a nearby job. They offer employment advice and vocational training opportunities as well.
Your case manager may make referrals to other community resources to meet whatever needs you have. For example you might be referred to a licensed counselor, healthcare providers, peer support specialists and community groups including AA meetings.
Men’s Recovery in the Shenandoah Valley
Gemeinschaft’s home for men is just outside the Harrisonburg city limits on Mt. Clinton Pike. Residents live in a renovated farmhouse with mountain vistas. They get access to all the same quality services as the women's program.
Life Recovery Program for Virginia Offenders
The life recovery program can be a life-changing experience. I like that participants have to commit to at least 90 days. During that time they'll complete a curriculum that focuses on topics like coping with change, living with addiction, anger management and vocational skills.